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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: May 15, 2019


In my previous job, I was asked to break focus every 15 minutes to check my email and see if one of my coworkers was falling behind on dealing with a queue of tasks, then pitch in if he was. I hated the job in general, but that in particular just ruined any possibility of productivity. Hard for anyone, near impossible for someone with ADHD. Then I got blamed for falling behind on my work. And for being disorganized (we didn’t have a ticket tracker, hmmm).

Ah yes, the cable kitties. First the orange one approached the food from the front, and all was well and simple if a little diagonal. Then the white one approached from the left. Now it could have gone around and kept things tidy, but that’s not how cable kitties work. It walked right over the orange cable kitty’s head and started eating. Then when the black cable kitty came from the right, there was only one food socket left. Now this cable kitty could have gone around, but cable kitties always take the shortest path. Up and over the black cable kitty went, and thus the tangle of cable kitties was complete.

I don’t know about that, it seems like one of the things that makes the world simple for programmers and complex for everyone else. It doesn’t allow for large countries to split along sensible political boundaries. So if one boundary slices through the middle of New York City, too bad. Moving boundaries to instead be at state/province/etc boundaries or in the middle of nowhere like we usually see now seems more sensible.

And in Python, it’s merely a SyntaxCrime.

I used to code on the side for fun more. Now the side project is less alluring. Most of that is that I more or less enjoy my on-the-job software development, so I would rather spend my free time doing something else. Before was either college or a job that sucked the joy out of coding. Both left me with a hankering for exploration.