I’ve over 40 zigbee devices and am currently using ZHA but keep seeing people recommending using zigbee2mqtt. But I can’t work out if it’s worth the time re-importing all the devices or not.

What are the benefits of using zigbee2mqtt over ZHA and is it easy to move over if that’s the best way to go?


When I arrived at home assistant, I appreciated the simplicity of zha, without knowing z2m. When I switched from sonoff v1 (no matter) to skyconnect, I wanted to test z2m out of curiosity. Apart from the slightly longer configuration, it’s a real pleasure. The support for firmware updates is very practical. There are far more parameters available for each device. The only negative point is that it takes longer to start up than zha, but that’s not really a big deal. I don’t regret switching from zha to z2m at all.

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