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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2023


Lol noone is thinking they are taking over the world. There is no conspiracy. Everyone has been so fucking tired of the operating system monopoly theve had on PC’s before they started ruining every fucking piece of technology they touch.

Oh my god don’t ask me that. It’s so embarrassing. I built this pc as my 2nd build ever. I got into computers super late in life so learned with the first then just as I was finishing rhe zen 5 cpus came out and 4090’s so I went right into build 2 right whe they came out. I wasn’t patient. I didn’t understand a fucking lick about how resolution, frame rate, or refresh rate or even what the difference between a monitor and TV were. So I have 2 reasonably priced Samsung 27" 4k monitors with standard 60hz… but wait there’s more. Then I saw this waaaay too good to be true deal that I was waaaaah to ignorant and impulsive to know was not what I wanted so I bout the 32" fuckin quad HD 165hz curved screen sceptre on Amazon. Soooooooo dumb. Sooooooooo useless. Every fuckin monitor I bought was bought with specs that are usess for it’s purpose or missing the only spec I thought I was building a pc for.

Anyway I totally think I know where you are going with this tho cuz yes the screens were causing tons of issues for me but I was able to get all three running together at their native resolutions and refresh rates. The high clocks and temps from the monitors were more causing me to have to reinstall my nvidia drivers with fresh installs and wasn’t ever an idling issue. They were crashes from running out of their ranges and me trying to muscle them into proper scaling sizes so their orientation wasn’t all fucky going screen to screen

Swear to fucking god the same will happen for GPUs in the next 6-12 months.

EVERYWHERE I looked researching why my RTX 4090 was idling with maxed out mem clock @ 10000MHz not dropping a bit. All the forums, articles and Nvidia themselves gave super standard troubleshooting suggestions before just saying yeah those gpu’s fuckin run spicy.

I underclocked, un-installed, reinstalled, ran it in other PC’s, white washed my drivers, updated bios, flashed bios, pretty sure i biosed my bios, even used recommended windows retarded power throttling setting… fuckin nothing.

Finally during one of my “Fuck Microsoft” tantrums I started belligerently stripping every fucking Windows 11 service, software and apps that would let me. Full on preppared to nuke the whole fuckin PC, not just the OS.

No fucking clue what did it or where it was all I know was it was somewhere in the control panel memory settings/disk optimization-ish/file history/virtual memory area or at least felt like it was from around that before I started aggressively clicking delete one at a time for my entire file history cuz ya know file history has had a bug lasting thru 2 generations of windows now that won’t let you batch delete old files history files. Either way fucker all of a sudden sounded slightly less fans at top seepdy sounding, checked to see if I was loosing it but sure as fuck it really was bringing the gpu back to normal.

Its been humming like a champ ever since. Idles at 5001 runs at 10000 range with curve optimizer. Was able to re-set everything up on a clean install using a local microsoft account, deleted my actual microsoft account, haven’t updated a fucking thing, been running FOLON with 231 enabled mods on 195 plugins. OH and I forgot to mention how noone believ3d me at nvidia that the 4090 when initially bought was running just like this with no issues. Needless to say I’m in stage 2-1/2 of my migration to Linux. Idc if I’m dead wrong about this experience I will never go back to Windows for my erryday desidnated driver or use it more that the 3 pc games I usually play through any year. No internet single player screaming fallacies speech to text into copilot to ruin that cunt fucker and tell people I multi task while gaming.

I thought part of the apple agreement was that all your data is on their servers. Isn’t that why my media messages from Android to Apple phones look like shit, because Apple only sends shit through their servers and refuses to adapt the industry standard for mobile data?

Buck just puts me to sleep but Collinsworth gives me blind rage every syllable that leaves his mouth lol.

Edit: and wasn’t it Buck on the “DIGGS. SIDELINE. TOUCHDOWN. UNBELIEVABLE.” call? Fuck that’s one of my favorite calls 9f all time by an announcer not named Rick Jeanneret.

Hahaha Even as a heterosexual male who is on record for saying I would carry Josh Allen’s baby, when Collinsworth starts sucking Allen’s knob on air it kills my boner it’s so gay./s

STOP! BOTH OF YOU! Do you fucking want more Chris Collinsworth? Cuz this is how you get more Chris Collinsworth.

This touches on what I find the most fuckin irritating about the current state of software decision. I bought this super generic run of the mill disk clean up software. In the past I’ve used similar software and the fucking spam for add on this amd plugin that or defend your pc with this… it’s fucking insane. Finding burried files from apps I deleted years ago. Well this time I got lucky. I download it, run it. Doesn’t ask me to sign up for shit, I don’t have to make an account. No added features for blah.99$ The fucking shit just ran after install, batch fixed it all. Then in the final report flagged it’s own fucking software as obsolete and quoued it up for delete. CUSTOMER FOR FUCKING LIFE. Who thr fuck is running these reports that must show customer retention is higher when you fuck them in the ass till they bleed green. I would pay fuckin 5x’s the price of windows os if it meant I could play steam games on a windows system with Linux tiered performance and security. Why the fuck is cramming so much bloatware that you need to upgrade your whole system the new thing. Fuck windows, fuck Google, fuck samsung and youtube.YouTube.

Edit: obligatory edit and shoutout to all the shitbag game developers too for thinking anyone fucking want another game that runs at 2 fps because it starts raining in the game. Fuck your 4k atari games. They’re a fucking embarrassment to everyone who has worked in the industry.

I think I’ve crossed a point of no return. It will take prolly a year I’m guessing to full on switch but I am absofuckinglutely done with Microsoft and Google. It’s been 5 years and was only a single OS Admin course using exclusively Linux but nothing I remember was that shockingly different.