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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Feb 21, 2024


Uber effectively weaseled their way into the taxi industry by somehow enticing drivers to work for them while also assuming all of the liabilities. Truly, capitalism at its finest.

This is very, very bad for the future outlook of our country. It’s real, we’re in it. Something significant is going to have to change soon.

If they’re firing people for this then the way they judge employee productivity is incorrect. What I want to know is what did these employees even do day to day? Sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit job positions to me. Wells Fargo is a shit leech corporation, drain on society, middle-man hell.

Linux is great. It was initially concerning to migrate but overall I’m happy I did. I assume Microsoft will attempt to make things more incompatible and proprietary as a last chance attempt to hold onto users. Ultimate this will just lead to more people switching to Linux faster over time.

Algae doesn’t capture it for long.

Not true, it depends on how it’s contained. Drying algae and removing the water will stop it from decomposing. Think of seaweed used for sushi except ground up into a very dense powder. Algae will decompose if left hydrated in the sun though.

Algae does it for free all the time. Physically trying to capture carbon dioxide is dumbassery. We need more investment in algae production.

We don’t have capitalism in the US, we have late-stage crony capitalism. Regulated capitalism is fine, but we are in a crony capitalist system which feeds corporate greed. Our government is controlled by a handful of mega corps which have their hands pulling the strings due to the lobbying system. It wasn’t always this way, which is why I don’t blame capitalism, I blame human greed.

Mainly incompatibilities, manual setup requirements, heightened understanding of technology requirement. Not necessarily Linux’s fault, but still drawbacks.

Linux is a solution against corporate greed, it directly takes market share away from Microsoft, and is a viable competitive alternative with few drawbacks.

People keep pointing the finger at AI, but miss the fact that the problem is corporate greed. AI has the possibility to help us solve problems, corporate greed will gate keep the solutions and cause us suffering.



Where is the “exactly” that I asked about?

Where’s your evidence proving exactly how much Starship has cost in total? Or wait, maybe you are just making bullshit up because you have no idea how much it has actually cost them because they don’t disclose that information like NASA does.

NASA successfully launched Artemis 1 first try.

Male self control breakthrough keeps their dick in their pants and don’t have sex for a while. Try it some time, it’s fantastic.

One of the best decisions I made was deleting my Facebook. I really mean that, one of the best decisions in my entire life. Not getting sucked into the absolute bullshit fest that greedy shit fuckers like Mark Zuckerberg set up for humanity is extremely relieving. Don’t compare yourself to other people, you be you, just try to be your best self, it’s worth it. Don’t let the billionaire leeches of society take everything from you, fuck Facebook.

You can’t launch a rocket using solar. Nuclear is exactly what helium-3 will provide. Speculation is the first step of exploiting the Moon’s value.


Do your research before acting like you know what you’re writing about. There are so many things to complain about when it comes to capitalism, this is not one of them.

Solar sails don’t produce a significant amount of thrust, you didn’t answer my question.

How do you suggest producing a significant amount of thrust in a vacuum using the sun?

Dead Space from 2008 is such a good game. EA has fallen so far. I don’t see myself ever buying another EA game at this point.

The enshittification is very real and is spreading constantly. Companies will leech more from their employees and users until things start to break down. Acceleration is the only way.

The true solution is to be single. It’s great, I suggest everyone try it.

The housing market is a gatekept pile of shit, people getting their time stolen from them for something not as valuable as this fake fucking system makes it out to be. NIMBYism is a core part of accelerationism, let’s go NIMBY fucks.

International journalists should know better than to use a centralized platform to share information.

I’d go further to argue that it’s very necessary for robots to have even more mobility such as wheels to take advantage of momentum and increase efficiency. There’s a reason the wheel was invented, things like bicycles, wheelbarrows, etc.

The ANYmal wheeled legged robot is an example of that.


That doesn’t sound like a shit show at all. It would have been a shit show if it started spouting nonsense and racist shit, and it didn’t do that. You were able to look that up using other means anyway. I think you just made a statement about why decentralization is important, and not relying on a single source.

All while corporate profits are at all time highs. It’s painting a clear picture, something either has to change, or something has to break.

Rimworld comes to mind as well, pretty much any colony management or “life sim” style game.

Yet they’re still able to put those stupid fucking recycling labels on their products as if it’s recycled.

“This issue was not directly caused by a cybersecurity event; rather, it was caused by a third-party provider during a configuration change.”

Sounds probable.

Imagine going to the only grocery store available, there are no prices on any of the items, you shop there because you’re starving and have no choice.

You go to the checkout after each time you shop and there is a single cashier that says this:

“Fuck you. In about a couple months we’ll demand that you figure out how much you owe us. If you don’t figure it out then we’ll potentially place criminal charges against you. Thanks for shopping here.”

You realize that you have no fucking clue about how much the stuff you bought costs because it changes all the time and nothing is labelled and there’s no system for keeping track.

Welcome to the tax system in America.

Holy shit this had me laughing hard. Someone paid $3k for that shit? 😂

This is what happens when you let billionaire leeches like Elon make decisions rather than real engineers.

That’s exactly who billionaires who have yachts and private jets want you to take your anger out on. Good job falling for it.

Don’t tell me what to do. Going to spend more time learning to code from now on, thanks.

For anyone who needs a reminder: user account ≠ human individual user. There are no bot/captcha protections nor IP restrictions on Lemmy. I’d say we have less than 1 million actual human individual users.