• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023

  1. Look up the laws of Thermodynamics

  2. Look up what a battery is

  3. Stop using “maybe”

What cloud based information could my physical car need to be operational? I know the shift to software defined cars means there is more relience on tech and the company that makes the car but what could they possibly be keeping server side? If it’s needed to use the car what would happen if you drive the car somewhere there isn’t wifi/cell service? Does the car just stop?

The one outside my local right-aid was hit by a car about 2 years ago. It’s still sitting there all mangled and sad looking.

“We do these things not because they are easy. But because we are hard!” -JFK

I thought it was great too. I especially enjoyed “cliffhanger manor”. I don’t think the writers will tie everything together in a later episode because it feels more and more like they are intentionally leaving cliffhangers everywhere as a joke. The joke being “you can’t cancel us, you’ll never know what happens to [insert favorite cliffhanger here]”

I really like how you have to wait until part 4 to get any historical context.

I don’t get how the queen could be s level? A woman?

If QA cared about us they wouldn’t make it so hard.

Hey, they’re trying their hardest. It’s hard because they had the joke build stored right next to the actual build so when they went to push it they clicked the wrong one.

I’m not sure how you could choose anything different?

Mods are probably asking for paid subs. They would view it as an easy tool to prevent new spam accounts.

Technically a human could watch all the videos on YouTube. But if a human were to cut together bits of each video to make a new one that would probably be an infringement. But if a human saw a video and wanted to recreate it that might be allowed depending on how close to the original they got. It points out some glaring issues with modern copyright law. I don’t know what the solution is, but if a multinational tech giant is doing it, it should probably be illegal.

Cable companies did the cable model because it was profitable. Netflix and others are slowly realizing that and moving towards it.

Idiot didn’t even see forced mate in 16? Meanwhile here I am blundering 16 moves in a row.

And every employee will recieve the industry standard 3% raise based on performance at the end of year.

If this doesn’t get enough upvotes I swear to “god” I’ll never play chess again.

Jesus Fucking Christ what are you fucking stupid? Read the god damn pinned mod comment on every post on r/chessbegginers, read the god damn wiki, read the god damn info button that pops up on chess.c0m, here’s a thought just google it your god damn self. What do you think you’re the first person in fucking history to experience this “weird pawn move?” You must be fucking stupid because it was only invented back in 1561. But I’m sure you thought “oh wow I know chess.c0m is a company valued in the hundreds of millions but I’m sure me, 100 ELO shit tier chess beginner, has found a bug in their program.” It boggles my god damn mind that you just blindly post your stupid fucking questions on reddit without trying to research them first. Because you must be the first person in fucking history to ever experience a problem, and logically reddit, the source of all fucking factual information, is the only god damn place you can look for an answer. So here’s a fucking thought the next time you’re about to make a god damn post stop and google e-n p-a-s-s-a-n-t.

Have you ever had a toddler hit you over the head with a plastic bat? There IS physical risk in raising a child.

Llama 3 was trained on an old release of chess (v0.069). Non-adjacent squares were added in (v0.075).

Is it safe to consume breast milk bought on Facebook marketplace?

Jesus Fucking Christ what are you fucking stupid? Read the god damn pinned mod comment on every post on r/chessbegginers, read the god damn wiki, read the god damn info button that pops up on chess.c0m, here’s a thought just google it your god damn self. What do you think you’re the first person in fucking history to experience this “weird pawn move?” You must be fucking stupid because it was only invented back in 1561. But I’m sure you thought “oh wow I know chess.c0m is a company valued in the hundreds of millions but I’m sure me, 100 ELO shit tier chess beginner, has found a bug in their program.” It boggles my god damn mind that you just blindly post your stupid fucking questions on reddit without trying to research them first. Because you must be the first person in fucking history to ever experience a problem, and logically reddit, the source of all fucking factual information, is the only god damn place you can look for an answer. So here’s a fucking thought the next time you’re about to make a god damn post stop and google e-n p-a-s-s-a-n-t.

AdamEatsAss Pro and Pro+ are only $5 and $6 a month more for over double the content.

Really you pay for convenience and legallity. Not everyone knows how to or feels comfortable pirating. With a service you know you aren’t breaking any laws and you’re not worried about quality, storage, captions, and sketchy files.

I can’t wait for 10 years from now when this all comes full circle and we start getting commercials to “ditch your streaming bundle for whatever new service.”

Jesus Fucking Christ what are you fucking stupid? Read the god damn pinned mod comment on every post on r/chessbegginers, read the god damn wiki, read the god damn info button that pops up on chess.c0m, here’s a thought just google it your god damn self. What do you think you’re the first person in fucking history to experience this “weird pawn move?” You must be fucking stupid because it was only invented back in 1561. But I’m sure you thought “oh wow I know chess.c0m is a company valued in the hundreds of millions but I’m sure me, 100 ELO shit tier chess beginner, has found a bug in their program.” It boggles my god damn mind that you just blindly post your stupid fucking questions on reddit without trying to research them first. Because you must be the first person in fucking history to ever experience a problem, and logically reddit, the source of all fucking factual information, is the only god damn place you can look for an answer. So here’s a fucking thought the next time you’re about to make a god damn post stop and google e-n p-a-s-s-a-n-t.

Isn’t something like that why Elon got in trouble with the Tesla board? Something about using Tesla as a bank to fund space x.

They could still limit the number of simultaneously logged in devices for a family plan. Verizon would know how many lines are associated with the plan.

The reward for consise responses seems to be too high.

Even worse. Daylight savings creators. I work in manufacturing and we literally stut down the production line for an hour during the “fall back” and “spring ahead” so we can manually change the time on every computer.

He’s not some big tech CEO. He wears the common man’s clothes. He understands that people won’t pay more than 1/2 of the price of their jacket for a GPU.

Facebook engineers got mad they went down and decided to ddos the internet so they wouldn’t look bad.

A common opening usually seen in the 800-1000elo range, but occasionally you’ll see a high level player use it to try and throw their opponent off guard.