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Cake day: Nov 22, 2023


Are we going to completely ignore the absolute insanity of arresting someone for cheating on an exam.

Speed restrictions.

Kei trucks were designed for use in dense Japanese cities, which is why they also work in European cities. They are nimble but have a low top speed. You’re not going 70 mph around a street corner for instance.

It would work in places like NYC for the same reasons, but remember that most of the USA is suburban or rural. You need vehicles that are capable of going fast if you’re going to get on a highway.

A possible workaround is to have a separate class for these, like mopeds or scooters, which are road legal but are not highway legal.

You admitted that enough of them were in favour of the insurrection and some were part of it.

Suspended with pay. But I was implying the cops didn’t “falter.” Enough of them were in favor of it and some were actually there as part of the insurrection.

I’m not sure what your point is. They failed the elected members of Congress which means they faltered

…probably because of their roll in riot supression. Rulers don’t want that service faultering on them at an inopportune moment.

Like on January 6?

For me, a better analogy is pyrite (commonly known as fool’s gold).

It appears to be gold, but is in fact cheap iron sulphide. It is sometimes found in association with small amounts of gold, similar to some of those people that tend to come out of the woodwork when we complain about shitty work conditions, saying, “well I have a nice paying job”.

All I keep reading is the failure of capitalism at the end of the day.

Domestic solar panel production is lagging and cheaper shit from China is gonna make it worse

Isn’t this the point of the free market? Shouldn’t capitalists rejoice when things are working as intended?

Don’t forget, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was just in China to protect US interests - this time because China has flooded the market with cheap solar panels.

We can’t have solar power becoming affordable and accessible for most people.

Not a single Palestinian to be seen to cement their claim to the land, just as they did in 1948: they claimed it was a barren wasteland.

If this video evidence didn’t exist they’d probably claim they built this hospital themselves when there was nothing there.

Leave that to the customer to decide. Or is that not the point of the free market?

Well, if the US spies on its own citizens can you imagine the shady shit they’d do on Chinese citizens?

I also wonder if restrictions on software are in response to the US restricting access to Huawei tech in allied nations. This shit is not new.

I also wouldn’t put it past US officials to inflate something for their own purposes - what if the Chinese requirement is for Chinese language software and it got turned around into Chinese software to serve an agenda.

Oh I read the article and found most of it to be rehashed arguments about Huawei.

China is the largest producer of EVs in the world by far (the next country on the list, Germany doesn’t even come close). In fact, China produces more EVs than the next 4 top producers combined.

The US is running scared because there is absolutely no way they can compete, unless they severely handicap the competition.

So, instead of free competition in Western markets, we have coddled American companies that are “too big to fail” that will continue producing obsolete technologies. If we haven’t already, we’ll start to see Boeing’s product issues in American cars.

There’s a reason the US is targeting China from various fronts (trade restrictions, sanctions, etc.). China is a powerhouse and the US is terrified of being left behind.

India is Israel’s biggest ally in Asia. Says a lot when Israel is spying on India.

Additionally, the 2023 spike is not because of inflation. Inflation was not 63 % in one year.

Why was there a spike in 2023 then?

Edit: downvoted for asking a question.

There is a 63% increase between 2022 and 2023. Why?

Imagine achieving this while being blocked by western anti competition moves.

No wonder the US is running scared. This is what China is able to do while handicapped. Imagine what would happen if we let them realize their full potential?