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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah, I guess in my fantasy I was Assuming that windows would do a full rewrote and adopt the unix abi, but I know that wouldn’t happen.

Mainstream is about to collapse. The exploitation nonsense is faltering. Open source is emerging as the only legitimate player.

I’m a die hard open source fan but that still feels like a stretch. I remember 10 years ago we were theorizing that windows would get out of the os business and just be a shell over a unix kernel, and that never made it anywhere.

Microplastics in the brain. Pfas in my floss. Even if we survive climate change our kids are going to have so much shit to fix

This is such a strange reality to live in. All of the futuristic, dystopian fiction I have consumed has the same premise that people living in the dystopia know it and know it’s bad. Somehow reality is worse.

I think AI is falling into disillusionment and Quantum Computers feel at least 10 years behind.

Right? Where was this 10 years ago?
This feels like the wholesome Democrat version of the Maga cult.

The new Chromecast TV bullshit makes it a bit more complicated, but the article also says that Google is making changes.

I agree with you though, I have used a Chromecast as my main way to get stuff on my TV for years and years. I don’t want them to complicate it or make me sign in to it, etc.

Is there any open source chrome cast? I know of one project but it required a special server as well. I just want to plug something into my HDMI port so I can cast dumb YouTube videos, why does it have to be this hard.

The company formerly known as Twitter

Love it. Not the point but it is still funny to me that Elon renamed the company and the world revolted.

It’s not about the campaigns not using Mastodon, it is about the voters. They are on Twitter still so that is where the campaign wants to meet them.

Mastodon needs to be more widely known for that to be a realistic option.

Yes but don’t forget about the shareholder value that Uber is bringing! Or will bring when they bankrupt all the competition and then ratchet up the prices so the hedge funds can recoup their losses

I’m am certainly wrong, that figure was something my dad told me as a kid, we were on solar back then.

Do you know the type of pv panel that was used 20+ years ago? I lived in an off grid house and my dad mentioned that at one point.

Agree, but we aren’t in a free market. That is a fantasy the conservatives have been pushing forever to get away from regulation.

Solar panels degrade over time, I don’t know what the numbers are but they used to be dysmal, like 30% reduction in generation capacity over 5 years. Whatever the actual numbers are, we will constantly be replacing panels. I am sure we can figure out refurbishing too at some point.

It’s nuanced. Domestic solar panel production is lagging and cheaper shit from China is gonna make it worse. It is not necessarily evil to want to have local production, and if we live under capitalism then it has to make money.

I agree though that for the most part even our good politicians do whatever they can to maintain the status quo, and that is generally bad for us and good for corporations and the billionaires

Clever for the example to be lowering prices when we know they are going to use this to squeeze us.
Is there a path forward that doesn’t involve a class war?

It is part of the calculus of employment. You get these shares and you deem if they are worth something (you think the company is compatently run and will IPO) or you think they are worthless.

You can talk about how pointless and probably predatory that is, but that is the current system we inhabit.

Fwiw I walked away from imaginary shares. My public company went private by a hedge fund. Honestly hedge funds are good at making short term cash so maybe that was a bad decision, but I wanted no part in the next year or more of layoffs. Plus my imaginary stock was still on a vest cycle so it would vest probably after the stock was skyrocketing.

I was only able to watch half (of the 3 minute video…) but that is so badass

Ah. Yeah musk is insane but his rockets are cheaper than the SLS will be. Hell Congress hasn’t even funded more than 1 or 2 launches because it is so expensive.

Not sure why you are getting down votes. Nobody wants SLS, even NASA. Congress is proping it up for pork

Do we know how much money they made on it? If it was more than $16.5 then it was still a good step on their balance sheet.

This stuff needs to be fined at the full income they made from the tool plus some penalty. Corporations only care about their balance sheets.

I don’t get why China has anything to do with it. Isn’t it out of Singapore?

No joke I have had Gmail since it was invite only (i was a dumb kid and still have my dumb kid handle), but Google is scaring me finally and am on the cusp of figuring out how to self host.

Feels like the end of an era, and I am late to the game as well.

We are fucked. Unless you have the wealth to both own a home and put solar with battery backups then you are tied to your local utility, and if that utility is owned by a hedge fund you are in trouble.

In a lot of states utilities have lobbied the governments to put strict rules on solar as well, because it is a threat to their business. So even if you have a good solar set up and want to still be on the grid they could force you to either take parts of your solar down or not be on the grid at all. That is all theoretical I haven’t heard of a utility forcing a homeowner to remove panels though, I have just heard that they throw up roadblocks to putting them up.

I got that email too. I am so fucking mad.
I do most of my cooking in my electric appliances so I can avoid most of my stove, but I can’t do much about my water heater and I have yet to get myself to take a cold shower regularly, so i may need to move if they turn out to be real cunts.

We had a recruiter 20 years ago. The kids are smarter these days tho it seems.

Don’t these already exist? Ukraine has been using suicide drones to destroy tanks and other equipment for a couple years now.

Edit: I remember an anecdote as well that ISIS was hand building suicide drones as well whenever the hell that was.

How are the jobs at risk? They didn’t really explain it.

Look if Musk wants to use drugs then good for him. As long as he isn’t hurting anyone then he should get to do what he wants. If he has an addiction he deserves our compassion (even though he may not share that sentiment for others).
If he is making bad business decisions when high that is between him and the board and the free market.

Why do we care about any of this? I can’t wait until he isn’t in the news every day.

These reversable, injectable, male contraceptives have been promised for at least 5 years, when will they come to market?

Yeah, the earth will be just fine. Humans and human civilization are what is at stake.

Yeah, woody perrenials lock up CO2 for centuries and we have a lot of abandoned mines and whatever holes are leftover from oil drilling that we could theoretically bury plant material in.

Still whatever we do would need to be on unprecedented scales and the World is just not going to do that. At least not until the effects are so acute that it is too late.

Here is the paper the article is based on

It is very chemistry dense that is way overy head. It says that “typical” electrolysis techniques have around a 10% “carbon efficiency”, whatever that means, while this one has around 96%.

I also see that in their test they used CO2 gas, so this may efficiently get us a usable fuel from CO2 but may not help us sequester CO2 gas from the atmosphere.

I’d love someone who knows what they are talking about to analyze it for us though.