Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.
And I fucking HATE pedophiles.

Woody Allen is still a pedophile who raped one of his own young step-daughters and married another.

People who defend that shit are SICK.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


The only thing I really want to know about Google’s Protected Audience “alternative information dimension” container is how I can stuff it full of noisy bullshit, fuck around with it, poison it as thoroughly as I can, and then cheerfully send it away back to Google as a trojan horse as often as possible – all while maintaining the appearance of operating organically within the parameters of normal function as expected by the Google mothership, so they will gladly hoover up my toxic shit and not stop me from seeing what I want to see outside the interference of their New and Improved intrusive hellscape of data collection and ad serving.

And all this preferably as an automated function via uBlock Origin. Thanks!

This pre-IPO invitation to buy is the “pump” part of pump and dump, of course everyone hates it, lol.

“I think it’s pretty cool that Reddit is doing this IPO offer to their mods and users,” a Reddit user who asked me to identify him as Kevon tells me. “It’s a nice little thank you that actually may have some monetary value.”

Kevon’s considering buying shares in the Reddit program, and may buy more once it goes public, if he feels the stock is undervalued.

Kevon sounds like a nice guy, but someone should explain to him the difference between being given options and buying shares at the IPO price. Reddit’s not doing him any favors.

Given how rigged the entire experience became over the years, what with the relationships between supermods and admins, the number of openly broken promises and the sheer amount of asshattery involved in everyday happenings, the neverending lies, and then marginalizing the visually impaired in one stroke with a response that seemed like a useless long form of “so what are you gonna do about it?” just like they did with the API call debacle, this seems far more like a toilet factory reserving shares in shit for its biggest shitters more than anything else. And at least a toilet factory would have something tangible in porcelain to show for it in the end, but Reddit’s just a huge steaming pile of ad riddled bot shit now.

I think this IPO reserve probably sounds reallllly good to both the very guilty and the very gullible, and to absolutely no one in between.

Then I hop to another instance or create one of my own (running 19 or later so I can block his) and problem solved, lol.

Federation means Musk can buy a single instance, or even a hundred instances, but cannot prevent anyone else from simply opening another somewhere else and making their own portal to the same content he wants to collect behind a paywall (if he even could).

I feel like AI companies have been scraping Reddit for their datasets already since the beginning and without permission.

Well yeah, Sam Altman (Open AI) was even on the board of Reddit for a while. It’s a safe bet that they’ve been doing it for years.

A few seconds in the breakroom microwave ought to take care of any problems in that regard, if there’s no other obvious metal in them like grommets for laces. Bzzzzt ding! and problem solved, lol.

I contract for mental health charity. Do t even get minimum wage. We aren’t fully trained and have 1 phone line.

That is obscene; people in crisis deserve so much more. THANK YOU for doing what you do. I hope your goodness to others in need finds its way back to you, multiplied, and that your new year gives you all that you have hoped for it.

OpenAI leaders warned of abusive behavior before Sam Altman’s ouster
The senior employees described Altman as psychologically abusive, creating chaos at the artificial-intelligence start-up — complaints that were a major factor in the board’s abrupt decision to fire the CEO Gift link to article:

It’s scary how you are taking words right from my mind.

Sorry about that. Just in case it would help you to hear these words, I sent them your way. It’s a simple case of been there done that, and I wish I had allowed myself to see the situation as clearly then as I did when I replied to you. But for me, all that was a long time ago, and all is well these days. Thank you for the kind wishes.

It’s maddening that you can’t simply convey that to them.

If these were the kind of people interested in the conveyance of practical, realistic, useful and truthful information, you wouldn’t be leaving. The beauty in elegantly crafted work? Entirely lost on that sort. Yet every excellent worker I have ever known has not only seen but thrived on creating just that. When work, especially creative work of any sort, is The Very Best, it stands out, and good people know and love obviously exceptional work.

The loss is theirs, but as you imply, it’s much, much more than just losing one employee.

Glad you’ve made the decision to go, and honestly the whole clashing arrangement sounds like oil and water – integrity vs greed – so chances are excellent that at some point they would make the decision for you if you were not making it yourself now.

Watch your back on the way out, and best wishes for a better workplace.

Yeah. Given the language (Altman lied to them) and the chairman stepping down (but remaining in the C-suite) I’m starting to think that maybe Altman was trying to take something in an unapproved direction and present it as a fait accompli but got found out before he was ready to reveal it.

I added the direct link to the board’s announcement to the post text so people can see it for themselves – interesting how the board separated Altman’s removal from Brockman’s demotion by five paragraphs, adding Brockman’s changed position just before the end almost as an afterthought. Which of course it isn’t, lol.

The arrangement it makes with adjacent governments is nowhere near as important as the arrangements it makes in regard to physical security at sea.

Sealand is a stone’s throw from the UK mainland, and even though it is not technically British it benefits from the UK’s very well protected shipping lanes and coastlines. Other parts of the world, not so much. For example, they can park this thing off the east coast of Africa and have zero interference from local governments – for the day and a half it lasts before getting stripped bare by pirates.

A government that won’t interfere is likely also a government that will not protect them. They need to choose their location wisely.

I have half a plastic knife I use on the cat food . . . will that do?

A number of Youtubers do . . . and some of it’s even good, lol. John at Plainly Difficult and Ahti at AT Restorations are two that use their own music that I can think of off the top of my head.

Really? I searched by new before I posted, saw nothing about Sam Altman.

EDITED TO ADD you can color me blind, because yeah, there’s one titled “OpenAI announces leadership transition” right before mine. Shit. Not sure how to handle this, but if the mods want to delete mine they can.

No idea, but given how sudden and out-of-the-blue this is, and the fact that he was co-founder of OpenAI (meaning that to some degree the board is pushing him out of his own company) you can make an educated guess that’s it’s huge.

My guess, personally, is financial malfeasance, if only because personal misbehavior usually involves some hemming and hawing before a company concludes that the ejectee “is no longer a good fit and does not represent the values held by our organization.” This was very sudden, no one saw it coming, and that’s not too usual.

I guess we’ll see, lol.

EDITED TO ADD I’ve changed my mind after a closer look at the wording of the board announcement. Given the language (Altman lied to them) and the chairman stepping down (but remaining in the C-suite) I’m starting to think that maybe Altman was trying to take something in an unapproved direction and present it as a fait accompli but got found out before he was ready to reveal it:

Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. (paragraph 3)

As a part of this transition, Greg Brockman will be stepping down as chairman of the board and will remain in his role at the company, reporting to the CEO. (paragraph 6)

Sam Altman has been fired as CEO of OpenAI, the company announced on Friday. “Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities,” the company said in its blog post. EDITED TO ADD direct link to OpenAI board announcement:

It’s indisputable they failed to think this through, but did Reddit make any money off the attempt alone?

Is this entire switch to blockchain and then abruptly stopping it a net loss, or a minor, short-term net gain?

Serious question, because while I have a general understanding of what blockchain is, the whole who benefits/who loses and how that happens thing has become far too complex for me to really follow, so I’m hoping someone here can tell me.

Also, they didn’t shut it ALL down, apparently there are still some rubes to be fleeced via blockchain:

Notably, Reddit’s NFT marketplace was not targeted for closure.

So. Net loss? Net gain? Neutral? What’s your best guess, and why?

Pick someone who doesn’t pay for a product to unleash your own corporate bootlicking whine on, because the person you actually replied to said:

I pay for Spotify