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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 14, 2023


Yeah, makes no sense that they store some pdf I was dragging over to someone one time. Super inefficient. They should allocate an amount of storage per user that then rolls and deletes the oldest files when the cap gets exceeded to make room for the new files.

But if you lose money you’ve effectively funded the maga cult!

This is true, but it’s neglecting one variable that does complicate the math slightly. There is greater air resistance at highway speeds. IIRC at 60mph 50% of your power is lost due to the air resistance.

So yes, if we lock the speed to a fixed value and compare them, then regenerative of course doesn’t increase the range more than not stopping at all. But that’s the nuanced gap in the discussion where misunderstanding is going to reside. That’s why you two are on different pages. Someone is assuming equal air resistance (speed), and someone is assuming a comparison of average city miles vs highway miles.

Neither is necessarily the ONLY way to look at it. It’s all relative.

But can you see how it COULD be useful? How you can be creative with your problem solving? You can use it to spitball ideas to yourself.

Everything is ground up. Local elections first, and so on and so forth. By the time you get to federal, the spirit of the entire government will have already shifted more towards the will of the people.

Absolutely. But that involves being politically engaged. We have a government that doesn’t serve the people because people aren’t engaged. People spend time arguing politics but can’t be bothered to vote twice a year. We have abysmal voter turnout rates in every metric.

Our presidential elections are the highest turnout, and even that is laughable, and that’s arguably the LEAST important election. Mid terms are worse turnout than that. Off years worse still. And primaries, which I’d argue are the MOST important election because they let you change the core spirit of the two parties, have the worst turnout of all.

We need to vote.

While I don’t disagree, there is also something to be said for being a savvy consumer. Stop buying their shit. Do your research. If people spent as much time researching their decisions as lamenting them, they’d be happier with their purchases overall.

I haven’t paid for printer ink in over 10 years. I’m still on my starter cartridge for the laser printer I purchased that far back.