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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I’m really tired of hearing “you don’t own it you own a license to it” like it’s some revelation for people complaining. We’re aware that the system has been constructed to benefit media companies at the expense of consumers.

To be honest; I never really bought the argument anyway. From a legal standpoint I don’t give half a shit. From a layman’s standpoint it’s bullshit. Nowhere do they use terms like “rent” or “lease”. They explicitly use terms like “buy” and it’s not until the fine print that the term license even comes up.

They know they’re pissing on you and telling you it’s raining and the goobers doing their legwork by repeating the sentence like they just came up with it annoy me to no end.

In my personal case the reason is because steadily smartphone prices have crept up and up to the point where I’m paying more for a 2 year old Z Fold than I would for a brand new Note 7 on launch day.

Wouldn’t you know, when inflation hurts my wallet, the first thing I cut is unnecessary luxury expenses like the latest Smartphone. I’m due for an upgrade but I’m not inclined to drop 1200 on a new phone when my Note 10+ is running like new.

Hollywood accounting. None of them make a “profit” because they’re taxed on profits. Now it’s possible that they really are losing 180 million (a lot of startups like uber coast on investors with the assumption they’ll turn a profit at some point) but I wouldn’t take their word at face value.

Blockchain > Crypto > NFTs > LLMs > whatever’s next.

These people will always be sniffing around for the next big thing to oversell and fleece their audience.