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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


As for what ByteDance plans to do with a new LLM, a person familiar with the company’s ambitions said one goal has to do with the search function for TikTok.

Last week, TikTok released an update to its current search function focused on [keywords for ads], basically allowing advertisers to search in real time for words that are trending on TikTok. It allows marketers to build an ad with relevant keywords that would ostensibly help the ad show up on the screens of more users.

“Given the audience and the amount of use, TikTok with a search environment that is a completely biddable space with keywords and topics, that would be very interesting to a lot of people spending a ton of money with Google right now,” the person said.

A dark vision just flashed in my mind. And I am certain this is what will happen. AI-generated ads done in real time based on the latest “trending” thing. Presented to users basically as soon as the topic has the slightest amount of “trend”.

Just emitting untold amounts of CO2 to show you generated ads in near real time.

A long time coming, but because of their recent changes in the past couple of months if I have JS disabled on Wikipedia I either have an obnoxiously large blank margin on the right, or I get pop-up annoyed by this dark mode announcement with JS enabled and private tab browsing.

“Don’t show me personalized ads”

Oh so you will continue to try and track me, you just won’t show me targeted advertisements?

That’s what passes for privacy on the internet today.

native tab grouping would be a much more desirable feature, to me

What kind of stupid world is it where 8GB of RAM is actually not enough? I’m not doing anything that fundamentally different to what I was doing 10 years ago, and back then 2GB was fine on the low end of things.

feels like you can’t even exist anymore without all your data getting leaked by someone who aggressively must consume as much of it as possible.

Hulu you can say, “well at least I can pirate and avoid giving my info up.” But what can you do against things like when Equifax was hacked?

There needs to be real privacy reform and real data privacy laws in the USA. bullshit ass second-tier country

My first car had a curb weight of 2400 lbs. It’s absurd how fucking huge these planet-destroying, environment destroying, life destroying monstrosities have become.

“Extremely likely” – says the only entity in control of the price. What are the odds? Who knows! It’s extremely likely!

Wake me up when “ai” makes the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere trend downward. Generative AI is just a way to burn electricity to take value produced by humans and then replace those same humans, all to line the pockets of the companies that can afford to churn all the data in the world.

For the handful of genuinely cool and interesting things it can do, the number of extremely awful costs and externalities is like 1000x worse.

This is precisely why any argument against gpl is laughable. Android is Linux. But a kernel without a userland is pointless. And that’s how Google operates: they use the kernel (which they want to replace) and then rewrite as much as they can with MIT licensed or proprietary code. The goal being to lock down the platforms in spite of the so-called “open source” software.

This comment is sent from my iPhone where the story is even sadder. Darwin does what Google wishes Linux could do, as far as licensing goes.

I’m visiting my parents this winter so it will be a good chance for me to look into trying something like this.

No, because I think the problem belongs to Netflix. But maybe it does belong to Apple? I’m not sure who is responsible, really.

This is sort of what happened with Google Chromecast with Google TV. I bought that on a technicality for my parents over an Apple TV. My mom (who isn’t a native English speaker) was watching another foreign language show on Netflix and whenever she paused on the Apple TV the seek bar would come in and overlay itself on the subtitles. She was frequently pausing just to catch up on the long sentences to read them and then unpausing just as quickly. This wasn’t an issue on the Android-based Netflix, where the subtitles remained in view.

Well OF COURSE because it’s fucking Google they started shoving more and more ads onto the device, to the extent that my parents actually get pretty confused on how to properly navigate the thing. It makes me so mad.

This is the entire basis of using an adblocker like ublock origin. It is purely defensive. You don’t know what an advertising (malvertising) network will deliver, and neither does the website you’re on (Tiktok, Google, Yahoo, eBay, etc etc etc). With generative AI and video ads and the lack of content checking on the advertising network this will just get worse and worse. I mean, why spend money on preventing this? The targeted ads and user data collection is where the money’s at, baby!

Related note, installing uBO on my dad’s PC some 8 years ago was far more effective than any kind of virus scanner or whatever. Allowing commerce on the Internet was a mistake. That’s the root of all this bullshit, anyway.

I remember ios13 was so buggy on release. I was genuinely remorseful for upgrading to it, and it taught me to never upgrade a major version from Apple until months have passed.

I just can’t stand those annoying ass youtube thumbnails. I only see them when I’m a private browser session (my logged-in suggestions are totally different). But they are so annoying and stupid looking that I never, ever click on them.

Sadly and clearly that stuff works, though, because MrBeast is the most subscribed-to individual on YouTube.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle isn’t a joke, and is in order of what should take precedence. And as for plastic recycling, https://text.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled (tl;dr it’s total bullshit. it’s expensive to do, and recycled plastic is worse and more expensive than virgin plastic. It probably cannot even handle two recycles before becoming totally worthless, that’s how crappy recycled plastic is)

The dumbest part is how we are disallowed from reusing many things. One small example out of a limitless number: Every time I buy milk I have to buy a brand new plastic container, because that is the only way I can purchase it. And it is the exact same as the old kind of plastic container. I can’t just go to the store and pour a refill and pay for that.

I’d be happy enough with a Smart Fortwo style vehicle. I’d be more than happy with good public transportation and non-car dominated urban planning. I’d be over the moon for high speed rail lines covering the country.

The iOS keyboard definitely has integrations that I never use, but I am just learning that you can, in fact, download wholesale keyboard apps on iOS as well. Skimming them through, they have a ridiculous number of installs (judging by the number of reviews) and atrocious privacy policies. The last part is concerning! 😅

What’s the deal with Android “keyboards”? Why is it just an app that you can install? And why can it have more functionality/permissions from the OS beyond just being a local keyboard? As an iOS user this is very bizarre and foreign to me.

I feel like every time the topic of Android keyboards (again, why is this a thing?) comes up it’s some kind of big spyware thing. Seems like most every app on Android and iOS is spyware anyway, of course.

I will occasionally check Reddit, but I’ve dropped it by about 90%. And I don’t post there anymore, even if someone is asking something I know the answer to. I would rather contribute on Lemmy and bring people into a FOSS, copyleft, non-corporate alternative.

as far as carrying a standalone audio player goes I’m reminded of my Toshiba gigabeat with rock box installed as the alternative firmware. I loved that thing. I guess I wouldn’t use such a thing now, though, since my phone is pretty good and powerful. But I am still missing a high quality, stand-alone, offline music player for iOS.

To the people who are talking about Spotify not offering high quality, what’s wrong with Spotify Premium’s 256kbps AAC? That’s pretty dang high quality…

So are you saying I could still log in and use Netflix on my laptop? I haven’t tried out of fear of messing something up.

When I was last home I did set up Jellyfin from my dad’s PC (which is basically always on) and downloaded a few movies for them. But some of the movies had inconsistent subtitles or needed massaging. Or Jellyfin needed to take an extra moment to transcode the subtitle format for some reason. So if I were able to ensure that stuff is all sorted out, it works great. But if I’m not there it might get weird.

I really wanted to cancel my subscription. I consider piracy to be a moral option against the aggressively repressive sonny bono copyright law. But I can’t pull the rug out from my mom’s feet back home (I live in another state). So instead of getting to cancel in protest like how I want, I still just pay for one Netflix subscription that I don’t use personally.

I wouldn’t mind YouTube Shorts, except it seems that most of them are of such low quality and value. I don’t have a TikTok account but I have seen many great TikToks (because they get reposted elsewhere). I have seen comparatively few quality YouTube Shorts.

I’ve got a 60 star project on github. Some people have left some very nice feedback about how useful my code has been for them as a Linux alternative to a Windows program. I’m proud of my little bit of code, even if it hasn’t earned me a single cent (nor do I have expectations for it to)!