
  • 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023

Experiments generate quantum entanglement over optical fibres across three real cities, marking progress towards networks that could have revolutionary applications.

The EU has announced €4bn (£3.4bn) of state aid investments in new factories producing electric batteries for cars, heat pumps and solar panels as it seeks to accelerate production and the uptake of green technologies and combat cheap Chinese imports. The Swedish battery producer Northvolt will receive €902m in state aid to build a new factory in Heide in Germany, while a wide range of clean tech factories in France are to get a €2.5bn bump in state aid.

For those interested: since there’s been a huge gas exctraction scandal in Groningen, (gas) mining has become a sensitive political subject in the Netherlands.

Also the Zuidwal volcano they are talking about is 2 km deep.

Geothermal energy is an interesting additional “green” option, if the mining risk can be minimised.

So I am not giving that clickbait title a view. Anyone have a summary? What is new here?

Here is the abstract in nature

Spoiler alert: “However, unexpectedly, cracks were also observed to heal by a process that can be described as crack flank cold welding (etc…)”.

Of course, there are lots of industries whose product engineers would love to translate this finding into intentional engineering approaches to create metals that automatically heal themselves in our structural applications," lead-author Brad Boyce, a materials scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, told Live Science. "Self-healing metals could be useful in a wide range of applications from airplane wings to automotive suspensions." Edited: clickbait title

His Studio Ghibli – the artistic force behind Spirited Away, for which he won an Oscar in 2003, My Neighbour Totoro and Howl’s Moving Castle – took the unusual step of keeping details of the plot secret. Speculation about How Do You Live? had been building for months, not least because it is expected to be the last by the 82-year-old, who spent five years making the film after reversing a decision to retire.