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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 25, 2023


The fact that some people are ok with, “subscriptions taking off” in this very post is troubling.

The future, where you own nothing, pay a subscription for everything.

I posted on Lemmy about needing recommendations for movies to watch on shrooms…and then minutes later stumble across this article.

Talk about perfect timing, lol.

This is really starting to feel like a perfect replacement for that…other website.

It is very nice to see Mozilla doing quite useful/helpful projects from time to time.

You’re the type that gets excited every time postage stamp prices increase.

I remember reading about, “pod hotels” in Akiharbara, “Electric Town”, Japan in the late 90s or early 2000s. I recall them being marketed as a cheap way to see the neighborhood. Even back then, Akiharbara was the global epicenter of anime/manga, retro gaming, arcades, computer stores and repair shops.

Glad to see the concept has now evolved to, “dystopian hell” some 20 years later.

My System 76 laptop I bought a few years back is still alive and well. Ubuntu MATE or Manjaro I typically run now. Sometimes it makes me feel like a sellout running those distros. I know that’s a goofy thought. Is underdog syndome a thing? Ha.

I have ran GNU/Linux since the early 1990s. Practically since it first existed. Distributions like MuLinux, Yellowdog Linux, Slackware, Debian, etc. This generally has lead to multiple difficulties. Sometimes I had to dual boot to get around said difficulties. Around 2010, I got good enough with WINE, software work arounds and alternatives that I didn’t need to dual boot anymore. I did like to play various games still back then, but around 2010 Valve’s GNU/Linux support was improving (unless my memory deceives me)

This post has made me feel that for the first time, all that struggle was worth it, heh.

On a side note, there’s some sort of dark irony with personal ownership dying under capitalism. I feel like the majority of us hate all these subscriptions models, but we keep playing along .vs. becoming cave hermits.