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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Oh I’m sure, I have a few left that I’m planning on moving away from soon but have to get approval for paying for vendor support for it and get approval for the brief outage. Some of us aren’t allowed to do it over the weekend or even overnight without regulatory approval

Are they also going to remove the human order takers due to number of errors or…. Because they never get shit right, then I correct them, then the kitchen kids get it wrong, occasionally i go back around to ask for it as I ordered, and sometimes the second time around it’s correct

I’ve wanted one of these for decades but the options are pay out the ass for import fees or buy a 30 year old model, neither fee great. Hate that my government is apparently dead set on all of us driving massive trucks and SUVs over realist vehicles

The problem is that bowlero does nothing but increase prices and add alcohol to the menu if it was missing. They don’t improve any part of the bowling experience that was actually lacking, they’re just squeezing blood from stone

Which the government should stop but won’t because it won’t be seen as a big deal to anyone but the couple million at most bowling enthusiasts. Not enough to swing elections

I don’t pay for prime for the video though, I do it because 10 members of my family like the 2 day shipping lol the video is just icing that we honestly rarely use. Just “The Boys” and “Clarksons Farm” really

Always love those answers, well if you read the 700 page white paper on this one command set in one module then you would understand… do you think I have the time to read 37000 pages of bland ass documentation yearly on top of doing my actual job? Come the fuck on.

I guess some of these guys have so many heads on their crews that they don’t have much work to do anymore but that’s not the case for most

Maybe we, as a society of workers, simply eat the rich? Or at least feed them to hounds

I never have, I don’t see the point when steam is just so convenient and has sales all the time. Just be patient on pricing, the game isn’t going to go away because you didn’t buy on release.

I also don’t trust downloading unverified, modified, software. An mp3 or mkv is probably going to be safe as you can’t load software through those really, but an exe can do anything

Most of our vendors only make products for windows, barely understand windows and certainly don’t understand Linux or as400, and they dont intend to. Those that do run Linux and as400 are actively transitioning their systems to a windows based version as it’s easier for the casinos to maintain.

Source: IT Director for a casino company and responsible for hundreds of windows servers, thousands of PCs, 12 Linux and half a dozen as400s - I’m not with Caesars or MGM thank god but their breaches caused me a ton of work and lost sleep trust me

Netflix’s demand to auto-play a trailer/song on every tile make any tv freeze or crash nearly every time I use the Netflix app on it. It’s gotten to the point I’m about to just cancel netflix because I can’t watch it

They are required to disclose if that happened or they believe it happened. If they’re not saying it happened then they believe the password are fine at the time of announcement

I remember reading that German and British courts both were looking to block Mercedes altering engine performance via subscription packages or remote capability as well.

Maybe not but you’ll undoubtedly have to go to court to argue that (paying legal cost the whole time) before you can then start the case about gross negligence (and pay more for)

It’s all designed to ensure you can’t afford to sue them

They’ve decided money is more important than a good product, I just turn everything extra off as soon as they announce it on my server

Because they don’t know what the working class looks like, they just rewatch 80/90s man propaganda and emulate that

Ya know, you have a point. Props to him for not dating a tween like most billionaires

Is the answer ban marketing people from the internet? I feel like that’s the answer, they ruin everything they’re allowed to touch

What do you want to bet the layoffs will stop once the union representation is gone and then they’ll slowly build back up over the next few years

Ugly as sin but I’m down if I can drive it mostly solar and plug in when needed in a more temperate climate

Edit: I feel like a lot of you are forgetting it just needs to get you to work, where it sits in the sun for 8-12 hours, then home where it can be plugged into homes or left outside for non-homeowners. If it can build enough charge during that work parking lot for me to get home and then top up on the home charger, that’s a huge plus over just plugging in and eating grid energy all the time. I’m not expecting the thing to have no battery and just convert sunlight to movement like magic jfc….

Yea but the us military depends on them continuing to support xp just for them soooooo, why should they pay? They could literally cripple the world

I’m 30 now, having a hard time looking at the next 40-50 and thinking I want that. Definitely not 90

I’ve not been enjoying the last 30 all that much, I don’t think I want another 90 or nearly that far even

It should be though, we need to demand change rather than just saying “oh they’ll never do it” and giving up.

There almost 0 solar houses here, 1 in a hundred maybe. A few businesses have been doing it lately, I’ve seen 2 gas stations and several schools in the area do it. I’d like to get it done before my backwards ass state makes it illegal or something

Maybe, I was so mad I didn’t even get more quotes, I should really do so but I was expecting 10-20 at most and hearing 50 kinda put me off the prospect for a while. Decided to spend effort on other home improvement we could see instead

1800sq ft home, my power bill is a few hundred in the summer, I feel there just isn’t any competition here there only 2-3 companies doing it and they’re all small

I don’t remember the kWh specs and price off hand but a decent portion of the cost was that I’m in a 1.5 story that faces S and have a lot of small roofs rather than one large roof so it’d be a bunch of panels that didn’t have full sun most of the day. Which is true of all hundred houses in my subdivision as well. Basically build of the house made this difficult or impossible

Bruh I got quoted 50k in St. Louis last year, would take decades for roi

Jagex has supposedly been barely successful forever tho, unity takes in billions by being shitters. In the end that’s all some companies care about

My dude you’re spreading memes across so many fandoms on lemmy, how do you have time for these lol I see you everywhere

Then they ask their grandson or work it dept what they should do and both will answer libre office is free

Have they even released that damn truck? It’s been years and I haven’t seen one while the s,3,x, and Ys are everywhere when I go to work

Are your hands rather small? Do you moderate a certain streamer’s chat? Just asking because your name is very familiar to me.

Sorry if that above block doesn’t pertain to you, please ignore if so lol

But they’ll keep doing it anyway to help out their golfing buddies who are real estate moguls