• 5 Posts
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Feb 25, 2024


Ok. Well your opinion is encouraging. If I find myself at that point I will be sure to press through. Frankly I’ve been playing with the encounter rate at maximum so far just to rapidly level up, so I feel like just maybe my tolerance for redundancy is high. I really hope it’s not a game-breaking experience.

It is good, isn’t it!? Playing with headphones is the best.

So far, if Bravely Second is as good as good as the original, then I definitely look forward to it.

Your comment was the first indication of any sort of midgame hurdle. A reviewer on YouTube vaguely described a point where things suddenly became unbearably repetitive. Does that sound like the hurdle to which you were referring?

I finally blew the dust off of my copy of Bravely Default for the 3ds.. I'm only a few hours in but this might be the most beautiful jrpg I've played on this console. The story so far seems somewhat stereotypical, but the art is gorgeous and the gameplay has been amazing so far! Just wanted to share!

I hope this isn't perceived as advertising.. I'm quite apprehensive about making this purchase and will absolutely update with my progress if/when the console arrives. In the meantime, if anyone out there has any experience buying through AliExpress I would love to hear from you. This is my first purchase and I feel like it's a total gamble. If this is somehow perceived as advertising, mods please delete immediately. I do not want to violate any rules. This community is too awesome to lose!

And for all you manual lovers that wish new games came with them, there is a very talented artist who goes by the name “mbpuk” that makes some really awesome mini manuals that fit in the Switch game case!

Thanks for the supportive and insightful reply. It sounds like your experience was similar to mine, as we also struggled through adversity together (our N64 was powered by a light socket and we couldn’t run the heater if we wanted to play it). Unfortunately she couldn’t overcome our childhood trauma, became addicted, and in the end decided to take her own life.

The Zelda obsession started with OOT for her. Eventually her love for the games led her to a degree in computer science and a hobby restoring consoles. I grew up, enlisted, and unfortunately we parted ways for the rest of her life. In spite of geographic separation, we always kept in touch and often shared the joy of the next Zelda products and rumors.

Whenever I play the games, hear the timeless soundtrack, or see any Zelda artwork, I remember her laughter as Darunia burst into dance at hearing Saria’s Song, her groans of sadness as the Great Deku Tree passed away, her gasp of delight as Anju and Kafai were reunited, and even her grumbles of anger as the Skull Kid declared that he “got rid of” Epona.

Bittersweet memories, but no matter how much sadness I feel at her loss, the games ultimately remind me of the happy moments and warm my heart. I am happy to have had her as my sister, even if only for a relatively short time.

“The flow of time is always cruel… its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it… A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days…”

Whew. I hear you so hard. FWIW, I did actually win the cartridge in this auction as well, but since it’s just a cartridge and no box, I didn’t think many people here would appreciate a pic of a cart as much as they would a pic of the manual.

I’m also an old man yelling at clouds so I’m right there with you. Isn’t it crazy that we’ve found ourselves here so quickly?

And also, mad props for referencing Jon Lajoie. A very talented individual who doesn’t get enough credit. I love his work! For anyone reading this thread who has never heard of him, I encourage you to check him out. He has an awesome sense of humor!

I commiserate with you. The days of manuals are gone. And for what it’s worth, the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games. So these games are just super bitter sweet to me as well for so many reasons. When I play these games, I hear her laughter and feel her next to me. The games mean more to me than most, I suspect.

You’re not alone. In fact, it sounds like you’re my favorite kind of people! Thanks so much for commenting. I wish it weren’t true, but the day of the manual has come to a close and you and I are the minority. But you are not alone. Let’s appreciate what we have left. The next generation will never be so fortunate!! Do not be discouraged. Sounds to me like you’re pretty rad!

We all have sad days. You are not alone!

Won an original Link's Awakening Game Boy manual on a Goodwill charity auction. Had to share the nostalgia.

Thanks for the advice. I gave that a try and it seems to have helped a little. Maybe I just need to grow a stronger thumb lol.

Hello all! I have an amazing modded GBA that I purchased through an eBay builder who was wonderfully communicative and built my console exactly how I wanted it. Unfortunately, I've found myself displeased with one specific feature: the DPad. It takes a great deal of force to move diagonally in any game I play. I truthfully don't recall this being an issue with my old OEM unit that I enjoyed in highschool. I added some cardstock as a makeshift spacer based on some recommendations I've found online, and that improved it only marginally. Has anyone else out there encountered this issue? If so, do you have any advice? My initial research suggests the aftermarket membrane for the DPad is the culprit. I've cleaned the contacts on the motherboard so I believe that can't be the problem. If membrane conductivity is the issue, then I don't know what brand to replace it with. Seems like every thing on the market is built by the same manufacturers? Any advice you guys can offer would be appreciated!

I got updates! I got my hands on a copy of Link’s Awakening. I forgot how awesome this machine is.

You know what’s bittersweet about this is that my aunt died of dementia. My uncle said she held onto it and played it for years. It makes me wonder what she thought about as she held her son’s favorite toy.

It really did! Now I have to get to work collecting all the games!

"Do you want this old thing?" My uncle asked, pulling the old Game Boy from an end table drawer. "Your cousin didn't want it anymore so I've kept it. Your aunt and I played Tetris on it for years, but now the screen's all messed up and the buttons hardly work." Memories flooded back to me of begging my cousin for a turn at Metroid 2 in the back seat of my aunt's Chevrolet Corsica on the way home from the zoo. Passing it around playing Kirby and Super Mario while at a birthday sleepover with a dozen other 3rd graders. Pleading with my Dad for one for my own birthday. As I flipped the switch, Tetris music filled my ears. It was dirty, and the screen had vertical lines, but I couldn't say no. It was FINALLY mine! I got to work right away. I was able to resolve the vertical lines by reflowing the solder on the screen, and then I cleaned up the motherboard with alcohol while I soaked the shell in an Oxyclean solution. Now she's running in tip-top shape! A friend called me a glutton for punishment for not replacing the screen, but I want it just like it is. Every scratch tells a story! Super excited! Had to share with y'all!