I’m an Australian, I’m probs fking with you, we can’t help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we’re laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

There’s more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let’s all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn’t true.

Omfg. It put up an anti Vax post about eradicating autism. Holy fk.

Imagine a world more inclusive, for them, first, then ask that question. Imagine if the world could be made more comfortable and less traumatic and painful, for them. And there are some who are of that category that do just fine. So do we force them to change too?

So even when we all die out from climate change events, bad memes will go on. Actually that’s weirdly comforting. Feels like a less good version of Walle, or something.

I don’t! I don’t know if I hadn’t heard of it, or just considered it utterly unworthy of committing to memory, either could be true.

Google is just as bad, trying to do the right thing and support the movies we love, and now Google has locked all my movies so only I can watch them. I can still load them on the telly in the lounge, but I specifically bought them to be shared amongst my kids, who now can’t see them. They make it impossible to follow their rules. It’s become impossible to buy digital. I’m tempted to go apple and try Apple store, for all my purchases. I just want it all in one place and to actually own what I purchase. They’re talking out both sides of their mouth. On one hand they lambast you for taking a copy of something, but if you buy a copy they can take it away at any time and you don’t own it. There is no contract where money is traded for a product.

The whole doom of AI has definitely gone in a different direction than I expected. I mean, maybe this is just the first act, you know, maybe they’ll still work up to replacing and killing off human kind, but trying to pretend to be the popular kids and entertain us, wasn’t on my AI apocalyptic bingo card.

Yeah, that’s a great option, but then the artist who created the music gets definitely zero for their product. It’s not like Spotify really pays fairly for the product, so it’s become pretty similar. The money grabbing Spotify does sounds like it’ll pump up business (making artists pay to promote) but I would be so hugely behind a streaming app that actually paid their artists fairly and promoted new unknown stuff, just because. The novelty alone!