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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Was a time?

It’s absolutely still a thing. Just label it “VP Qrtly”.

Mesa is one of those places they put several man made lakes in to make people think they could do watersports in their housing development. And in reality it just humidifies the heat and breeds mosquitos.

I knew there was something wrong with my place in Phoenix, AZ. Dang Democrats stole the forest!

Oh that already happened too. A bunch of blind people got implants and the company abandoned them.

Oh good we finally trained them enough. Can we please get rid of captcha now have the next portion?

That “study” is a charity trying to guilt people into giving money. When you adjust for PPP it becomes quite a different story. The media loves it because it drives clicks but it’s literally just a calculator to guilt you and a list of approved charities.

This is what Oxfam has to say, from the actual article.

The immense concentration of wealth, driven significantly by increased monopolistic corporate power, has allowed large corporations and the ultrarich who exercise control over them to use their vast resources to shape global rules in their favor, often at the expense of everyone else.

It’s also a big ass war crime. And if you did it habitually as anyone other than the West you could expect a visit from the US military. Inside the West you’d likely end up in prison. Except Israel. Israel is just immune to everything because uhhh… Because… Well nobody actually has a good reason.

According to Navy Times, reduction in rank. According to my experience, likely going to be told they can’t re-enlist after the end of their current term. Likely shipped stateside and in charge of mowing the lawn somewhere.

I agree. But the people who have one should not need to buy new machines just because support ended. And it’s my understanding that it’s currently the case with several brands.

I’m sorry but we’re going to have to send that to the English teachers to see if it’s really one word…

At least make it required to not brick at EOS if it’s a device that would otherwise run. Like a laundry machine.

That’s generally how it goes at the very top of capacity yes.

Oh God no. Nobody cares what you do to the Infantry. It’s the civilians. Don’t use this around civilians.

Sincerely, an old infantryman.

ChatGPT lies which is kind of an issue in education.

As far as seeing the answer, I learned a significant amount of math by looking at the answer for a type of question and working backwards. That’s not the issue as long as you’re honestly trying to understand the process.

We know? It’s not a coincidence that when you mention something like Cheap Flights to Dublin, it soon ends up on your ad rotation.

Honestly I’d rather that than ads for the things I already bought.

Right? My favorite. It’s not really something that’s enforceable on that level though. It would be easier to bring prices down by breaking up these large companies. And if that fails, just start a government grocery store that opens up in food deserts first, then in high cost of living areas. See what happens to prices when they need to justify people going there instead of the government store.

Yup and the argument over if it qualifies or if they were doing it at the time is for the lawyers.

It’s supposed to be, but laws generally only kick in if there’s an emergency like an earthquake or hurricane.

Probably because you talked about needing a ton of profit. When I think you meant revenue to cover costs and then some profit, but not extreme amounts.

You can get reliable maintenance estimates and keep the rent near costs plus a small profit easily enough. Charging the market price that’s been illegally pushed up by a cartel is not defensible.

Because unions are evil. They eat babies and practice dark satanic communist rituals. My GOP certified preacher said so!

Oh so here’s a fun thing. All American corporations have this level of freedom. We’re just paying extra attention to Tesla because their CEO can’t keep himself out of politics and the news. Ever notice you only see the CEO of GM/Stellantis/Ford when it’s a crisis or a new CEO? That’s how it works in a functional business. They aren’t any less shady, they’re just better at brand and scandal management.

Well this is going to go like shit. The last time they were pushing homeless around in San Diego people got killed crossing highways. Because there was no real pedestrian access to services from where they had been pushed.

Everyone thinks we’re going to start concentration camps with minorities but it’ll be the homeless.

The older I get, the more willing I am to pay a premium for safety.

Newsies will go there for the announcements. That’s the wedge that keeps growing.

Not all growth strategies are just having the bandwagon.

Somebody needs to put Sarah McLachlan’s Angel over the American flag and start posting it every time Anti-Chevron is used to break the government.

This is the would be assassin’s phone.

They gave that to the NSA or FBI Counter Intel guys who are hooked in with NSA.

Your phone is not going there.

However I would be on the lookout for that tech coming down the pipelines.

No it’s also wrong. The US has never had a base in Hong Kong. And most of the bases in the area pre-date China’s rise to being a regional power, much less their modern stance.

This is just straight up main character syndrome in national form.

Also we aren’t out there sinking or seizing Chinese vessels and threatening invasions. Our entire stance is, “leave our allies alone”.

But leave it to someone from .ml to ride in and try to twist the truth in China’s favor.

Buddy. There are no more NATO forces in Afghanistan. The Embassy was evacuated. Bagram was evacuated. Years ago now.

And why is China punishing Taiwan for American war games? They have plenty of ocean to use. And are you now claiming Jeju Island for China?

Our bases are not an Exclusionary Economic Zone. The Nine Dashed Line is indefensible.

Oh, now I need to prove stuff after you show up with a gilded lily of a meme masquerading as a map?

And I don’t dispute that the CIA hacks governments. I also don’t pretend it’s going to make them our friend or blame those countries for seeking protection from the CIA.

Hahaha. First of all this is old, there’s not any bases in Afghanistan anymore. Second, this is the same propaganda Russia runs with about NATO. They do belligerent stuff and then complain when their neighbors ask the country with a bigger stick for protection. Also, did someone include HK in this graphic? I know there’s lots of US bases in the Pacific, but I think someone is gilding the lily.

But also no, it’s not just about sailing a ship through Taiwanese waters. We do the same thing to China all the time, just to remind them that under international law that’s okay.

It’s conducting war games that completely surround Taiwan.

It’s claiming a ridiculous area for it’s EEZ, far larger than international law allows and completely disregarding any potential EEZ for other countries in the area.

It’s sinking fishing vessels in international water

It’s hacking the government systems of it’s neighbors

The list goes on…