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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


auto stop features and multiple camera views

That wasn’t meant by “pedestrian safety”.

Pedestrian safety is looking at the amount of damage that a car could do to pedestrians in an accident. It comes down to how the car is built. Things like no sharp edges, no hard materials, no dangerous liquids can leak out etc.

It is quite the opposite of what Massa Elon had in mind when he designed that silly truck. And that’s why this is a topic at all.

Not exactly. As the article says, each country has it’s own registration laws, and the guidelines from this NGO are usually not a part of the laws.

A country may still have it’s own guidelines for the topic.

the EU banned

No. The EU has not done anything regarding this car or this model.

The EU is just having rules that have made the drivers licenses and the registration process comparable and somewhat similar in it’s member countries, and to let cars from the other member countries drive on their roads.

The article tells about some of these rules, but it mixes it up with the bedtime stories from this Euro-NCAP guy so that you could get many wrong ideas.

But it was mostly just a show.

Attendee Robert Scoble posted that he’d learned humans were “remote assisting” the robots

Serious question: Wasn’t it obvious?

Each of these ideas start with “Maybe”.

So, Maybe this lengthy thing is worth reading.

Maybe not.

I could not think of …

Try harder, or get some help … /s

I have understood your (and OP’s) intention very well. You want people to take sides in this war, and you are trying to tell me which side is the right one, and which side is the wrong one.

But I refuse to take sides. My side is the neutral one.

And so I made a neutral statement.

Technology is used in a war.

Even on both sides.

No news so far.

I think that this depends heavily on the success of that enterprise.

I am pretty sure that they start (when / if they start) with a very high number of vehicles in a city.

A robotaxi would have much higher utilisation

You could call this “hope”.

Or “wet dream”.

Oh. So “unveiling” doesn’t mean they have something. Just the “2 years” promise is repeated for the N’th time ;-)

Does it use LIDAR (finally), or is he still too cheap to do it right?


They order people to work in different offices than before, far away from before, or in offices that did not even exist before. They order people to work in offices who have only worked at home before.

And they call it “return”, and everybody seems to accept the audacity.

Nobody laughs out loud into their faces and calls them the dirty liars that they are.

This might save a tiny bit of electricity,

…and therefore it is the users perfect right to do it or not to do it.

Unless the provider pays for that “tiny bit of” electricity, they have no say in this decision.

Gopher. Now that’s a long time since I heard that name.

Reminds me of my childhood :-)

In high school we used to play card games. I was wearing glasses. The others (the smart ones only) could see my cards in my glasses, until I learned how to hold my cards properly and hide them.

You know, AI was able to lock up my computer in less than a minute!

You know, I won’t let AI do that to mine.

learning should be a basic human right!

Education is a basic human right (except maybe in Usa, then it should be one there)

The sad news is:

Their argument could fall on fertile ground.

The Usamerican legal system protects a running business. When such a rich and famous corporation argues (and it would be highly paid lawyers arguing) that their business could be in jeopardy, they are going to listen, no matter how ridiculous the reasoning.

In other countries, they just make a judge laughing out loud.

Ours, yes, definitely.

“Ours” being Europeans’, where there is still some privacy left.

(in Usa privacy has gone to hell long ago).

Under the leadership of Musk I suspect that they will never be able to reach level 4.

Don’t know if he even wants to go up to level 3.

As long as he can sell these level 2 systems and tell people these were real robotaxis :)

“And they are sooo extremely safe. Just look at our statistics!” ;)

I wish we had technology in Europe.

European cars are better. They just leave away the bragging.

The company has cautioned that cars equipped with the system cannot actually drive themselves and that motorists must be ready at all times to intervene if necessary.

This describes a level 2 system…

And in less than two months, the company is scheduled to unveil a vehicle built expressly to be a robotaxi.

…but this would require a level 4 system.

“It’s not even close, and it’s not going to be next year,” said Michael Brooks, executive director of the Center for Auto Safety.

And so I tend to agree, fully.

I wish there were some quality news media where readers are willing to pay.

All these perverted “we have a right to our revenue even though nobody wants to pay for our shitty product” assholes can go home.

Approaching the point of disillusionment.

They started to work, but hardly anyone cares. They are still far from being good, or affordable.

What’s wrong with her? I mean, she doesn’t loook like she needs to marry a robot… :)

I just noticed that I like posts with “X ordered to do…” sooo much better than posts with “Elon says…”

So they made some promises.

I know someone who is doing that quite regularly.

Elon says, we have another AI.
AI says, we have yet another “Elon says” post.

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What alternative to 'postman' do you like the most for simply testing a bunch of REST services?