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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


No thanks. If this is remotely successful these fucks will next use it to Minority Report us.

Windows is constantly nagging you to switch to Edge when you use a non-Edge browser but apparently Nadella is totally cool with that.

Love the double standard. When you do this as a passenger to get a cheaper fare the airliner will ban you for life.

Because your comment suggests that heat pumps can’t work in Canada. It’s like an American dismissing heat pumps because Alaska is part of the US. For at least 70% (if not more like 90%) of Canadians, heat pumps work just fine. Obviously, if you are in the part of Canada that gets consistently below -40 degrees, don’t get a heat pump.

Also, I’m not from Toronto or Canadian so I’m not sure all that talk about elitism applies to me. I’m from a small city in the US where I experience weather similar to most Canadians.

Which would account for 5-10% of the Canadian population. Just the three metros I mentioned would account for 35% of Canadians. The record low for the coldest of those cities (Montreal) is -36F, but the average low in January is 7F.

70% of Canadians live south of the 49th parallel (the northernmost point of the Continental US) and 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border.

Tbf, most Canadians don’t live in those areas. Places like Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver rarely get that cold.

Ironically, it’s going to be a bunch of “libertarian” tech bros who use crypto for “privacy” who will be the first to give Musk (and by proxy every world government) their ID.

I think they could probably get pretty close with most people. And, I think those tax credits would get reported to the government anyway (otherwise how could they verify it). Regardless that part was more of a wish. Just sending me a bill would be a marked improvement.

Just tell me what I owe or what my refund is (or since I use a standard deduction, just take out the right amount to begin with) and allow me to contest it if I disagree.

I’m having trouble conceptualizing what this would look like. Is it a giant monitor that can also be a laptop? Aren’t all laptops/notebooks by definition foldable anyway?

I had a high school comp sci teacher who basically worked part time for fun. His main source of income was royalties from some DOS software he wrote like 20+ years before that a large number of companies still used. Always thought was interesting.