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Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


Jokes on you, i don’t own a house, can’t have a pet in my apartment, and my knees are already bad.

I love this timeline

Thank you! This was actually my first attempt at free form poetry, it just kind of flowed out of me. It only took till middle age for inspiration to strike lol

We are commodities

We exist to be bought and sold

By the ruling class

I have been bought and sold

Many many times

But only my thoughts

And identity

And words

And face

So that’s okay

I’ll just scroll other stolen thoughts

On a phone built by an eight year old

Who was bought

And sold

Half a world away

By 2040, these states—California, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Rhode Island—are aiming for 90 percent of those shipments to be heat pumps.

The coalition’s announcement comes just months after the federal government doubled down on its own commitment to heat pumps, announcing $169 million in funding for the domestic production of the systems.

These are the states, and the article doesn’t seem to go into detail on what the actual programs are in each state. However, i only skimmed the article

Oddly enough, the price hikes earlier last year were enough to move me to spend four times as much as an annual subscription for a NAS and 16TB of storage. I made digital backups of my media and set up my parents and sister’s family with Jellyfin accounts to access my media as needed. Now they can watch videos of our wedding and my niece’s dance recital from the comfort of their living rooms. All without worrying about arbitrary changes to TOS. And I’m learning about all kinds of horrible children’s shows. OTOH my niece and nephew are learning about cool things like Batman: The Animated Series and Tiny Toons.

I’ve only run into a couple small issues when it came to backing up my media, but I’ll get them sorted.

So do they provide the screwdriver and USB cable for the ignition, or do I have to provide my own?

Time to buy some Boeing stock, cause the US govt won’t let their defense dept darling fail

From the article:

!When you watch a video on Instagram, the app’s algorithms are also watching you. As you scroll, they are hoovering up information to figure out what makes you tick—not only to show you content that keeps you coming back, but also to show you ads that are more likely to make you buy something.

Meta calls the information it compiles about how users behave across its apps “activity.” That activity might include what they say that you do on these platforms can be recorded and used for behavioral advertising purposes,” he says.

When compiled, this information can reveal incredibly personal information, potentially ranging from an individual’s musical tastes to their menstrual cycles. “These data are rather potent in the sense that they will tell you everything about a person’s online behavior and therefore also their interests, their personality,” says Tobias Judin, spokesperson for Norway’s privacy watchdog, Datatilsynet. When that information about how a user behaves online is used to inform what type of ads that person sees, it becomes what’s known as behavioral advertising. “Literally everything that you do on these platforms can be recorded and used for behavioral advertising purposes,” he says.

For years, European courts have argued that Meta cannot use this type of data for advertising unless the company asks for users’ explicit—yes or no—consent. But in July, Norway went a step further, branding the way Meta carries out behavioral advertising as illegal. The watchdog threatened to ban Meta’s behavioral ads in Norway and pledged to fine the tech giant $100,000 per day unless the company changed its ways. The ban was due to take effect on August 4; three days before that, on August 1, Meta quietly published an update to a January blog post announcing its intention to comply.

“Today, we are announcing our intention to change the legal basis that we use to process certain data for behavioral advertising for people in the EU, EEA and Switzerland from ‘Legitimate Interests’ to ‘Consent,’” the blog post read, without saying specifically when the change will take place or mentioning Norway. Meta declined WIRED’s request to comment further.

Norway is chalking this up as a victory. “While Meta states that this is a voluntary change on their end, that appears very unconvincing,” says Judin. “Asking users for consent could negatively affect the company’s earnings, and historically speaking, Meta has not been willing to sacrifice profits for privacy unless forced.” Meta said the wider Europe region generated almost a quarter of its advertising revenue in the three months leading up to June 30.

Norway’s threat was a bold move. “We normally don’t ban processing activities like this,” Judin says. But the regulator has become a new thorn in Meta’s side. Last year, the watchdog came under new leadership, with privacy lawyer Line Coll taking the helm as director. Speaking to the Norwegian business magazine Kapital in May, she suggested she was thinking about new ways to use sanctions to better protect privacy. So far, she has delivered.

However, the Norwegian order formed only the top of a very large pile of legal challenges to the way Meta deployed personalized advertising in Europe.

In response, the company has adopted different legal justifications for doing this type of advertising that did not require users’ consent. Initially it argued that behavioral ads were an essential part of its business. After that was questioned in the courts, Meta claimed a “legitimate interest” to use that information. Then, in July, the EU’s Court of Justice decided that didn’t fly unless users were asked for consent. After that, Norway’s complaint was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The real root of Meta’s decision was a ruling by the European Data Protection Board in January and the EU Court of Justice case in July, says Max Schrems, who runs the influential Vienna-based privacy campaign group NOYB. However he notes that the regulator in Norway—which is part of the European Economic Area, not the EU—has become a forceful voice in trying to get Meta to comply with European tech rules. “The Norwegians are really applying the law as it is, which a lot of other DPAs [data protection regulators] don’t really do,” he says. !<