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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Helping. They are helping.

Innocent civilians are dying so Microsoft, Meta, Google, and Amazon can make more money. Seems mostly related to AI, but I’m sure it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

I already don’t buy anything from Amazon anymore. Canceled my prime and haven’t bought anything from them in 6 months. If I can’t get it from any other specific online store I just go to the actual store. I honestly forgot how good it feels to do it too. Buying shit online is cool, but when you do it in person you actually get a feeling of accomplishment.

I highly recommend it.

And they’ll keep getting away with it as long as corporations are treated better than actual people. And you know they put shit like this in the agreements because they know nobody reads them. And every time we get complacent or blame someone else, it only gets worse.

So… Almost every single video pre switch besides speed running videos? Where the fuck else are they supposed to play them? By the time “let’s plays” we’re popular on YouTube we were in the time of the Wii or even passed it. And even if they didn’t emulate, they’d have to have bought the console off eBay where Nintendo makes zero money from the discontinued consoles. This is literally just control for the sake of control and it’s why I hate Nintendo.

My brother was having the same issue. He could call people just fine while his girlfriend couldn’t. He discovered that he can’t call anyone that has an iPhone and they can’t call anyone else.

Hey, I just got a phone call from my brother because he couldn’t call anyone. I have T-Mobile and he has Verizon. Funnily enough our call worked just fine but he couldn’t call his girlfriend. Apparently he has no problems calling people that are using Android but can’t call anyone using an iPhone.

I mean, we literally train them by completing the CAPTCHAs. Why do you think you were picking things like bikes, traffic lights, cars, and busses? The only question now is what’s next…

Jesus Christ that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The submarine in the game Iron Lung was safer to drive than this thing.

But Wilby said that for the Titan, the coordinate data was transcribed into a notebook by hand and then entered into Excel before loading the spreadsheet into mapping software to track the sub’s position on a hand-drawn map of the wreckage.

The OceanGate team tried to perform these updates at least every five minutes, but it was a slow, manual process done while communicating with the gamepad-controlled sub via short text messages.

Updates every FIVE MINUTES?! I wouldn’t even trust this thing in a damn swimming pool.

I’m glad they mentioned the release dates in the article because for a second there I was about to look up when “28 Weeks Later” came out to see if this mad lad waited 28 years to make the next movie. It came out in 2007 so it’s been 17 years. For some reason I felt like it was so much older than I remember, but it would have come out when I was a toddler if they did release it 28 years ago.

… Anyway. I’m stoked to see the movie.

I wish, but I think they are predicting this. I live in a pretty chill and rural area. Shop lifting has never been an issue here and most people know the employees by name. Within the last couple months they have added a fuck ton of cameras and automatic brakes for all the carts. Went from barely ever having someone on the self checkout to having multiple people always watching with a top view camera on every checkout and two cameras on both sides. If you buy something too big to fit on the checkout area the machine calls an attendant over immediately even if you scanned it. It feels straight up dystopian in there and it makes it so stressful to go there. If it wasn’t the only grocery store around me within a 40 mile radius I’d go somewhere else in a heartbeat.

The employees obviously hate it too and think it’s just as fucking ridiculous as we all do. Last time I went, this high school girl looked like she was about to lose her shit as she went from checkout to checkout scanning her badge nonstop.

Here’s an experiment for you to try at home. Ask an AI model a question, copy a sentence or two of what they give back, and paste it into a search engine. The results may surprise you.

And stop comparing AI to humans but then giving AI models more freedom. If I wrote a paper I’d need to cite my sources. Where the fuck are your sources ChatGPT? Oh right, we’re not allowed to see that but you can take whatever you want from us. Sounds fair.

Not anymore. They recently added those locks that lock up the wheels when they get too far away from the store. And they also threw out all the shopping baskets.

I remember watching this when it first came out and I was honestly as upset as him. But don’t worry, it’s for the benefit of everyone so they can make AI as best as they can or some shit. But really it’s just stealing with extra steps.

Remember that every single piece of AI art, music, and video you have ever seen was made entirely out of stuff found online and most likely taken without people’s consent.

Honestly I haven’t heard any good news about Microsoft in like 10 years. They just keep making awful decisions.

I never stopped living paycheck to paycheck since I turned 18 back in the early 2010’s. None of these people even realize just how shitty it is, and has been, for the last 20 years. You ever had to use a fucking credit card to pay rent just to keep a roof over your head because you couldn’t get to either one of your 2 jobs because your car broke down? I did about 8 years ago and I’m still paying it off. If I have any kind of emergency, whether it’s medical or otherwise, I am completely fucked financially.

Honestly, as a dude, I’m 100% down for male birth control. Can’t wait.

It’s almost like LLM’s aren’t the solution to literally everything like companies keep trying to tell us they are. Weird.

I honestly can’t wait for this to blow up in a company’s face in a very catastrophic way.

I can’t wait for the article saying how we’re gonna solve world hunger with AI.

While I agree over-breeding of pets is a very messed up practice, they already exist in the here and now. Might as well be their friends and tell them they are cute since they are here.