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Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Now we need Neil Degrasse Tyson to buy these platforms and switch all the videos to physics and math videos

PlayStation is erasing 1,318 seasons of Discovery shows from customer libraries | The change comes as Warner Bros. tries to add subscribers to Max, Discovery+

2 sentences, 5 names of different entities

A better solution is to counter market these products. Invest time in spreading content that tells other people how shit these products are. Not buying it doesn’t do much. But spreading the good word does. Its why they pay so much to advertise and market

I use flip which let’s me know when discounts are available. Also camel camel camel scrapes amazon. Scraping is pulling information off websites.

The top five categories of Bad Bot attacks are fake account creation, account takeovers, scraping, account management, and in-product abuse.

Is it just me or is this article trashy. It lists scraping as bad and suggests it’s immoral. It also lists account management as bad.

I got a feeling powers that be will attempt to make scrapping illegal under the guise of AI fears. I don’t imagine that many companies like scrapers that collate prices of their products into a website that let’s people compare prices against other stores. I don’t imagine the real bad actors like scrapers that archive internet content into things like the way back machine. It makes it harder to delete that late night drunken rant, the poor PR choice or the political flip flopping or makes it easier to capture real bad activities in the act before they delete their activity after lighting fires everywhere

I mean articles like this are kind of bullshit propaganda anyways. Microsoft is such a big company that there is going to be a huge range of opinions. The author is just selecting one opinion for their own reasons

Even though its true. These articles still make me laugh thinking about how they’re all written by a popular girl in class when the new prettier girl shows up. Sure Becky, we get it, Kelly dated a 38 year old and snorts like a pig when she eats.

What I’m scared about is that we could all have pocket medical and legal advisors, pocket instruction manuals for any device or vehicle, we could all have a pretty great personal, financial and life planner in our pockets that could provide real equity in society by giving people access to these tools who really could benefit. But instead we will lose it because we were told to be afraid of something because other people couldn’t maintain gouging us

For sure. We all need money. But I’m not willing to accept all the stuff that comes with it. Which is why I believe there isn’t a middle ground. I think what the internet could be and evolve into is much greater than some creator making money by exploiting its spaces.

But also, they can make money in what I’m proposing. What I’m saying is it shouldn’t be a place where that is the creators main motivation for being here.

These creators end up with the same behaviors as any Spotify, twitter, Facebook executive. There are inherent barriers with modern online creators that work against the good internet we all want. Its insidious and not as evident as it is with the bigger players. But they are all the same.

Hence why the people on the internet needs to reject people coming here to profit.

There’s no middle ground in trying to keep the internet good and having it be a platform to hock stuff.

We should go back to the roots. Promote collaboration and be hostile to those people trying to manufacture scarcity online

This is like Facebook. My dads account was hacked. We’ve all submitted reports to favebook. But there’s no real tech support. And because he is a dad, the email he originally signed up with doesn’t exist anymore and is of a domain that he can’t ever recreate the account.

premium members paid for this feature. How did you think things work when you subscribe to these websites.

Its all HR people constantly job hunting by sharing the equivalent of those “hang in there” wall posters from the 90s and adding a paragraph about what it takes to make it in the workforce.

Ill make one of these bullshit posts now.


In school my old teacher Mr. Gerry would perform the elephant toothpaste experiment. This got me thinking. The glass beaker is like the job market and the chemicals mixed together is like your marketable skills that grow to fill the needs of the job market. In my 16 years as a human asset coordinator I’ve come across many difficulties that required shifts in how I approached the job market. Be like the elephants toothpaste and explode into the market beeeeyaaaaa

Just want to mention Pierogi as well in case anyone reading this haven’t heard of these people and want to check out channels where they troll these call centers

Where can he go? Haven’t we turned every platform into profit seeking machines. Any places that could have supported this type of media got chocked out long ago.

Im not sure if your pro/anti point is true. Its the whole reason ads are a billion dollar industry. To counteract it there should be anti marketing movement.

Revolutions are were wealthy people seize power. If you’re a megalomaniac or just losing power, use your power and influence to convince the poor to riot and then swoop in and seize control in the chaos

Tell all your friends and family what a steaming pile of shit it is. Share memes that tell people its a waste of money. Lots of stuff do to

100% that is dumb.

But in all seriousness I think we all need a pocket lawyer.

Its one of those things that I think causes a ton if inequality. I think its too early but definitely in our lives we could all have a bunch of services in our pocket that are difficult to access now. But that’s not going to happen if we don’t reject this stuff as idiotic.

I watched the legal eagle video about another case where they submitted documents straight from an LLM with hallucinated cases. I can agree that’s idiotic. But if there are a ton of use cases for these things in a lot of profession’s that I think these types of incidents might leave people assuming that using it is idiotic.

My concern is that I think there’s a lot of people trying to convince people to be afraid or suspicious of something that is very useful because they might be threatened either their career or skills are now at risk of being diminished and so they come up with these crazy stories.

I think its a good use. I think the idiotic thing is how it was used. It sounds like he didn’t validate it after which might just be unfamiliar with using new tech. Might be a lawyer looking to get a new trial. Might be just pure incompetence. But I still think its a good use if used correctly

But that is like saying instead of spending hours on an essay I cut the time in half with ms word. Its just a tool. If the lawyer produced arguments with it and reviewed it then what’s the issue. And tbjs still doesn’t determine if the work presented was good or not.

But is it a mistrial if the lawyer uses autocorrect?

If the lawyer reviewed the output and found it acceptable then how can you argue it was practicing law. I can write an argument I wantm feed it to AI to correct and improve and iterate through the whole thing. Its just a robust auto correct.

But how do you tell if the AI performed worse or better than the lawyer. What is the bar here for competence. What if it was a losing case regardless and this is just a way to exploit the system for a second trial.

News doesn’t want people to capture their daily propaganda pieces and be able to analyze it.

Meanwhile news media will buy up all kinds of scrapped data on users to better target their propaganda.

Cambridge analytica for me but none for thee

They would. But still doesn’t justify the pay. Many people come together to make films and actors are the least hard working of all of them. They exploited the system just like these AI systems are. Its not something I have sympathy for and if they replace actors with computer generated models and the profession goes back to just a regular job, I feel like we haven’t lost anything

These celebrities should be making $60,000 to $150,000 like the rest of us anyways. What the hell do they produce

Its media creating a new boogie man. LLM and AI gives regular people a lot of crazy power and creative ability that can challenge current power dynamics. So media is making sure regular folk fear the shit out of it.

We’ve reached AI is coming for the children articles. AI is stealing your jobs. AI is going to murder your favorite comedians. AI will turn you into a battery. Everyday its some fucking new fear mongering headline

Yea I didn’t but I’ll cancel this time.

Should make an event with other people. Set a date and cancel all at the same time.

I suck at modding communities but I’d help promote and join any if someone got it going.

Every week, the social media hype-train seems to find new ways to sensationalize generative AI tools. Most recently, a new technique that allows users to produce optical illusions went viral, with some describing the results as AI-generated images with “subliminal” messages.

These writers got the same energy as an envious teenage girl

Gotta be honest. Yes blame us. It takes two to tango.

At one point in my life there was this anti consumer movement culturally that got absolutely destroyed and buried. Maybe we’re all just sheep without any free will controlled by Steve jobs of the world. But I feel like we refused to keep certain fires lit and now we’re all freezing. That’s our fault.

Most of it was super obvious too. When ads started invading, some people were pissed. But there was always way more people saying ‘who cares’. But things like ads fuel this consumerism to get people buying and idolizing the tech channels or kardashian lifestyle with all the bling and flash of new. Now we have a generation who probably think anti consumption lifestyle is just flat out crazy talk. Like how do we not have any counter culture anymore to the lavish consumerism culture. Almost every culture has an opposition but that one seems like it’s non existant in a world consumed by ads products

To stop enshitification we have to kill all advertising and marketing of products online. Make the net as hostile as possible to people trying to capitalize on it.

Fear mongering about AI is getting stupider by the day. Reaching satanic panic levels

We all get to decide because we’re responsible for our actions. I should always ask if I’m using or abusing a service and if it’ll negatively impact others. Or I don’t and I run the risk of running things into the ground and losing a good thing for everyone.

You brought up a professional videographer as and example. A professional should be using a commercial service that is set up for that. This was personal use storage which I would bet was not used for personal storage, instead it was used commercially.

And that’s not reasonable to anybody who is going to upload 20TB. Every party involved knew what would happen

Yes all that works and better. It still shouldn’t change that I should also recognize that taking a service to its limits would cause me and others to lose it.

Calling unlimited shouldn’t mean that people upload things that are not reasonable. The issue here isn’t calling it unlimited because a reasonable person gets that its a gimmick that will have limits. Pushing it to that limit is the problem.

I feel anyone should assume there are limits because there is nothing in this universe that is unlimited.

I can reason what it actually means and that there is a point I would be abusing the system.

The amount of cool things I have lost out on because another person abused a system might be close to unlimited. It gets tiring after a while. Anyone remember steam sales before they were forced to offer refunds and people started to abuse that.

Id rather not have guard rails everywhere in life to stop me from being abusive. But abusive people exist and force the rest of us to live with the consequences of their actions