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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Whaaaaat? You mean electric last-mile micromobility cuts down on emissions in a significant way, just like people had been saying for years? Who would have thought?

At least they didn’t divide it up into a slideshow, with two lines of the article per slide. I’ve been seeing a ton of those lately.

It’s not new, Amazon just changed their policy allowing ads for non-media. The Fire devices have always been primarily vehicles for ads; they take up the entire lockscreen on the Kindle reader and Fire tablets. On Fire TV, the top 40-ish% of the screen is a giant ad, then you get a tiny carousel of recommendations, then another thinner banner ad, then “your” content like queue and watchlist.

That’s all very true but doesn’t really address what I said. A solid plan for what to do with workers displaced by the transition away from coal (to whatever came after) was always an explicit part of her platform. This NPR article breaks it down.

Because it was Hillary’s platform, and he hates her more than he hates Eric.

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That sucks! I swear I JUST saw your post welcoming him home. Hopefully the little guy will bounce back quick

The last few times I’ve tried to book an AirBnB the price difference from a standard hotel room was almost nothing. AirBnB has been trash for awhile.

My understanding is as follows: A lot of corporate debt is backed by the real estate. For example, McDonald’s food operations are far less valuable than its real estate portfolio. If that property is now worthless because no one wants it and it’s unoccupied, banks now have assets worth less than what’s owed on them. That in turn means when the loan term ends, banks can’t just re-finance the debt, because the collateral that secured the loan in the first place isn’t worth what the debt is. That means big problems for companies who now need those loans as a source of cash to pay off the old loans. They now have to scrape up actual cash to pay, leading to more austerity. Because corps can’t pay the banks, the banks lose out on revenue, which means they have to tighten their belts, and so on and so on in a self-reinforcing spiral. If the corps default, the banks can seize the assets, but again, they’re worthless, so it’s a one-two punch.

It’s a giant shell game, and from what I’ve read economists are afraid a 2008-style crash may be in the works due to the cycle of debt above.

Dunno about the others, but I specifically remember Parler required users to attach their IDs to their profiles if they wanted to be verified.

$4k and they’re not even custom fit‽‽

I’m sorry if I’m paying FOUR THOUSAND REAL DOLLARS they’d better not come with the fucking tips I get with $20 buds.

Right?! My first thought was “Max? You mean like Cinemax? Did Cinemax buy HBO??” Well, turns out, the OPPOSITE is true. In what world is Cinemax the more valuable brand than HBO???

…None of this is new? Portable, standalone DACs have existed for years. Even DSD isn’t new. What Sony’s charging isn’t even out of line. Fiio charges (IIRC) $1200 for their Android-based player/DAC.

I understand the value of working in an office

I don’t, but I’m also a sysadmin. Offices are my hell.

I may be reading this wrong, but am I the only one for whom this sounds a lot like fracking, minus the gas extraction? I’d be curious to see the knock-on effects in the surrounding area.

Hopefully I’m wrong, because I feel like this could be a pretty big leap for energy generation.

It’s just clickbait for under-informed people looking for another “cable co bad” article. Granted, they really should say 10Gig, but I genuinely don’t see how Joe Consumer would see that ad and go “oh wow! That’s twice as fast as my phone!!!1!!1”