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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I remember seeing nosebleed Metallica seats for like $200. Instead got a VIP festival weekend ticket for $200 with Metallica doing 2 shows that covid cancelled! 🤣

Used it to explain stuff during my full stack bootcamp. It is immensely helpful when you have an idea of what you don’t know but are unsure what question you need to ask to find the answer. Even better when you know what function you need from a different language but don’t know what it’s called and has some esoteric name you cba to remember.

If a libraries docs are indexed it also helps quickly find the method you need to implement.

LLMs will likely always have a place as a supporting technology during and after education.

Funny part is, an MMO has already died because of this premise. EverQuest NEXT was going to use a foundational system called Storybricks that would generate a living story for the world, in real time, using AI for the npcs, quests, zone events. That worked so well that the MMO half of EQN got cancelled and turned into a weird, plot based, EQ styled version of Minecraft that never got to full release.