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Cake day: Sep 09, 2024


The national uk library was hit with a ransomeware they did not pay, could not pay https://www.securityweek.com/details-and-lessons-learned-from-the-ransomware-attack-on-the-british-library/

I think this is a time of exploration for both sides

My big issue is the hidden vote counting, lack of recounts, and the exit polls being so unreliable in many states to choose the winners. So, unreliable, that all the major networks stopped using them after 2018 to call elections and fewer exit polls are being done. Exit polls have been established as good tools since the past 300 years. And when they consistently give bad calls, that area has always had ballot stuffing, or the electronic version of that

In my opinion, hidden ballot counting with bad exit polls will outweigh any other issues

Many people who gamble big money go by past divergences between polls done before, and exit polls done after. These can vary between 5% to 10% , which is important when the published count is almost 50:50 in some states.

Many US states violate UN practices for free and fair ballot counting, and while this is blindly ignored for decades, it shows up in the odds. People in the USA tend to talk about this as the shy republican effect, and other names.

At the same time, I do not trust the polls being done now, because most people do not answer phone, text or email about asking, given there are so many scam polls out, so I have to wonder how this skews the results.

I would totally use the bookie odds and ignore the polls

I am pretty sure that the attacks on libraries will intensify , but by state backed actors and organized crime mostly, I think? Its going to be rare for a group, driven by beliefs, to have the talent or resources to do much harm. While I think those few that can, often have beliefs that prevent the destruction of public resources such as libraries.

The war against woke and books usually attracts second rate, lazy people who could not code or hack out of a wet paper bag. And while an ideologue who is wealthy can certainly pay for such services, they usually don’t for some reason? Why? I have no clue and hope this continues.