• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


yeah but a expensive mainboard does next to nothing to improve the performance. If you already got the best SKU on offer and want to overclock then yes but otherwise its nonsense.

I don’t get why people who aren’t already running Ryzen 9s, i9s or 4090s are buying anything besides the cheapest option. On my last 3 builds I always sorted by price and picket the cheapest option for the CPU Socket, payed at most 70$ and never had any issues. If you need to get the last 5% of performance by overclocking I get it, but for anyone else this is a giant waste of money.

Why typescript? It allows you to make typesafe compositions

No, I rather have a smarter phone without all the current day B.S.

Can’t wait for Python on top of webassembly on top of react on top of electron Frameworks to void that advancement

No shit. And get this - The iPhone 7 did have enough space for a headphone jack.

How does nobody of these morons understand that phones are in reality at least 80% pocket entertainment and content consumption machines. Yeah you can text, call and browse the web for answers I guess, but I bet that tiktok, instagram and youtube eclipse anything else in terms of time spent in these apps. Its not surprising that our phones are 6"+ pocket screens.

No? The spectrum just got way wider. you can still buy 150$ phone, no problemo, its just gonna be a piece of junk. But same was true 10 years.

Only thing that changed is that back in the day 300 - 400 phones gave you 90% of the experience of the 800 - 1000 phones. Thats different now.

*the libraries that are made for python

Typical knife kill people - knife bad - ban knife nonsense

I doubt these numbers. Almost nobody I know uses one on mobile

I’d compare them more with Microsoft from 10 years ago.

No, in my experience especially the Android version of Firefox is less smooth when playing animations or scrolling on older or lower end devices.

I really hope with the new Focus on Firefox mobile, that they will iron that out.

Thats unfortunate to see. I know its a really unknown brand but their Flagships were always really interesting options if you knew about them.

They also were one of the very few manufacturers who used Exynos chips (when they were good in the S6, S7 days) besides Samsung.

The flashdrive in case was a random merchandise gift thing. It worked previously and was just the first one in the drawer.

But yeah in the future I will defintly get something better.

Also I did learn how to directly read and write Chips on the mainboard so the time spent wasn’t totally wasted.

Just happened to me the other day at THE worst possible moment. I bought a new mainboard which needed a BIOS update to work with my new CPU.

Me of course being a cheapskate I bought the cheapest one with no Bios flashback. So I put the files on a cheap USB, start the upate and compleatly bricked the mainboard.

After that I plugged the USB back into my PC and the fking USB corrupted the files.

Luckily I managed to save the BIOS but absolutley lost it in that moment.

Very mixed on this. If the compiler is for example using stuff like constexpr in C++ to do major calculations at compile time instead of at runtime then yeah its cheating.

But on the other hand if its doing some Microarchitecture specific optmizations like reordering instructions or replacing certain instructions with others - as long as these are available to the public its fair game i.m.o…

Is this too much voodoo for the next 20 years? Probably yes!

A few days ago I got one of the Google IO talks about Android from 2011 recommended on YT. You really can just feel that it was a totally different company. You had devs from Google on stage extremly excitied to show off the cool things they added. Incomparable to now.

Oh, oh ok I thought one of the new Threadrippers is so powerful that the CPU can do all those graphics in Software.

I went to school right at the time where Smartphones become popular and at the beginning most either had no phone or a basic featurephone and in the end almost everyone had a smartphone. And I think the impact was very minimal. School sucked regardless. People were bullied regardless. Some had really short attention spans regardless.

I think this sentiment that “guys, we reached peak smartphone - there is nothing we can do” is pure nonsense.

Over the last couple years there were plenty of usfull new features that haven’t caught on with mainstream devices but that would benefit lots of people.

LG’s second display case, variable Zoom cameras from Sony, ways to use the main camera for selfies like Asus’ camera swivel system or Xiaomi’s small rear display, toolless sim slots like in older Sony phones, active Stylus support, … .

Not at all, but its just agonizing watching this once trailblazing company release esentially the same phone for the 4th time now.

Apple at least fixed two of their dumbest past decisions this generation (lightning and flat sides which make the phone unergonomic).

Which obviously is doesn’t make them amazing but at least they improved something.

Samsung could easily do the same, bring back 1440p one the base model, SD Card Slot, IR Blaster, Headphone Jack, IR Blaster, …

I wouldn’t be able to design a more boring Samsung phone myself. Apple looks like the nexus of innovation in comparison to these lame ass “upgrades”.

Also I can’t wait for the Exynos 2400 to even further ruin these phones.

I finally upgraded my GTX970 to a used RTX 3080 for 300€. The difference at least for me for the same 300€ was insane.