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Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


That was the only reason to use the site lol other paid options are way better. All userbenchmarks was good for was giving you a rough idea that your hardware was performing as it was expected to.

RollJam and RollBack are the exploits for bypassing rolling codes. These exploits are possible because you can replay captured codes at a later time.

What’s happening in most cases is the proximity-based fobs are simply amplified with a device to reach the person’s car in the driveway, since most people keep their keys by the door, and in some cases even within reach of the car without a device. It’s this low hanging fruit where the theft happens, or just a tow truck…

The Flipper is more of an enthusiast and pranking device. The devices used in actual thefts are like disposable $50 alibaba pieces of shit. Canada is effectively creating a clandestine market for simple radio amplifiers made from the most basic electronic components. As someone in Canada who used to build the classic cmoy Altoid-tin headphone amps to sell on etsy, this is tempting…

Yeah I remember in the 00s it was an instant ipban to post pedo shit, but also pedobear and joking about it was common. It seemed like people would post actual abuse materials to troll the site but it was quickly dealt with. I was there for “brb church” though where 4chan vigilantes lured an actual pedo and had them arrested.

I was a b-slur through the 00s and I dunno if anyone would say it was “good,” but it was definitely less irony poisoned.

Have both for work and prefer Edge

A lot of innovations in WiFi aren’t about having a better access point for home use.

It’s actually super easy to root your ball controls and run a minimal install, check out some of the projects on github. Compatibility is like 90% there.

Would be cool to have a remote control device that mechanically opens/closes the tubes, built-in security layer for ensuring only you can unlock it, auto-lock, etc. If the tech-bro venture capitalists weren’t weirdos about spreading their genes around maybe this would be a thing.

I find it most useful as a radio replacement for this reason, you can’t find a service with more quantity. Personal music collection is still my main source though.

Yeah I’ve never fully switched to Spotify because of that but I do like their library and ease of use, the playlist function we use for parties a lot and it’s just easy and everyone understands it already.

As a Phish head and purveyor of bootlegs, and sometimes specific masters of classic albums, my personal music collection has always been a sacred space.

I found in recent years the quality was hit by spammers who were basically regurgitating content from other social media sites and spamming it to whatever subs would allow. Even though they’d get banned they’d have like a dozen alts, all co-mods on the same subreddits, and just make new accounts to get around it. You’d report them for ban evasion and nothing would happen. It would be political spam too, like you’d have accounts posting to “antifascist” subs and red pill subs just so they could cover all the bases.

Speaking of quality, it basically became the things your parents like on Facebook or Google Image results for “epic internet meme.” Political humor was reduced to AI images of angry Trump looking damp with captions like “oh no I’m going to jail.” For niche-interest subs it basically becomes people posting pictures of boxes of products they bought or asking which products to buy, people getting angry and debating about products and people who sell products.

Case in point that Oliver guy who would sell his books and shit on his subreddits and respond to every comment with links to his own blog posts, sold anti-Trump merch that hilariously looked like it was pro-Trump, posted ACAB stuff but also made racist copaganda comics, pretended to be an enlightened leftist but also wrote a red pill book about how rape is natural. Guy got banned for harassing mods of other subs and got his network of 20+ spam subreddits and dozens of alts banned, but the admins don’t do anything when they try and rebuild their spam network.

People’s identities become fully commodified then a technology is invented to simulate it. Late stage capitalist dystopia things.

For all the informed technical analysis and debates about this, the vast majority of consumers don’t care about any of this stuff, and they’re the ones who will decide this “year of the whatever.” The worse option technically speaking has won out many times in the past.

Most engineering channels on YouTube. Guess thunderf00t has made progress recovering his public image.

How did calling him Elmo become a diss when Elmo is such an emotionally mature role model created for children to emulate.

Ebooks are so fucking annoying to use with licensed books, like anyone who has a mom that got an ebook reader knows what a pain it is to set it up with a library and teach her how to use it, then you have device restrictions etc.

Just another example of media where pirating is so easy and so much better. You download an incredibly small single file, copy to the device, and you have the book, easy. If I can get it from the library and pay for that service with my taxes, if I “check out” the book and then pirate it, there’s no ethical issues with pirating it.

Personally though I prefer either audiobooks or hard copies, I just find the ebook readers too annoying to use and manage. I’d honestly rather buy a book then donate or lend it to someone when I’m done with it. In high school through college I had a job where I drove for about 20 hours every week and I basically went through all the classics in audiobook form and then got in to popular history and philosophy then into more academic territory, was surprising what I was able to get in audiobook format and just became accustomed to it.

Soon there will be content created and consumed entirely by generative “ai,” an almost shadow-culture.

They don’t understand or see themselves as workers because of things like this, they see themselves as individuals who will succeed if they just try their best and be their most “authentic” selves or whatever BS they use. Most important message they try to send is your position in the economic system is about you as an individual and not because of your class or relation to capital.

Should have just been left as a quirky concept car. Obviously divisive design but I think it looks best under specific lighting conditions.

That and the feigned look of surprise youtubers use, mouth open eyes wide with titles like “mr beast reaction compilation”

I took a media studies elective in high school (Canada) and it dealt with a lot of critical approaches to media, we had to consume different media and break down target audience, purpose, identify weasel words, etc. We even had a few media people come in like a film director and marketing consultants. Led to me taking further courses about related subjects like media theory and journalism.

Was definitely very worth it, just to get these concepts in people’s minds and the different angles you can consume and analyze media from. It’s not even just for the educational or critical benefits either, but also for the enjoyment. I used to have an elitist attitude about making sure I only consume “good” media and sort of judged people for liking shitty things, but after learning more I could appreciate a lot more of media for what it is, and criticize it on a more meaningful less individualized level than that. So I’ve found learning about media has also extended to not judging people as much, and more enjoying how things can be shitty. Obviously with journalism and politics this is a lot more significant than a bad movie or tv series though.

Yeah generative music has been a thing for a long time, Brian Eno is probably the household name recognizable for generative compositions, but most sequencers have had randomization elements built in for a long time now. I use one where you feed it a scale of notes and can define the chance a certain note will play and chances around the quality of the note like duration, velocity, etc. Even my entry level MicroFreak has a randomization option which you can use to get musical ideas from. There’s some cool eurorack modules like Mutable Instruments Grids which function like this for drum sequencing, where you have this axis to explore and can control via an lfo if you want.

I realize generative and AI are a technically different, I think AI is much better at “can you create a synth preset to make x sound” or “write a specific genre of melody/chord progression/etc.” It’s a lot better at factoring in the broader context.

start his little society on mars

“The system destroying the Earth will actually do the opposite on Mars!”

It’s funny cause they need the audience to “trigger” that Twitter/X has, just going on Truth Social or a bespoke political site doesn’t provide that. If X had no libs they wouldn’t wanna be on it cause it would be boring.

This is a way to get off gas as it’s used for reliability and voltage regulation. There’s a few locations running pilots with different energy storage techs like this. One of the main problems with integrating renewables is they aren’t dispatchable generation so you’re basically throwing unknowns in to the system. This is mediated through programs like demand response and load following with gas, but the goal of decommissioning gas and fossils entirely while still providing reliability is hampered because of this gap in capability. Renewables paired with storage would accommodate more less flexible renewables and SMRs, and allow for more electrification of the economy with less climate impact. More electric arc furnaces!

It was pretty normal lol. Basically everything between the visual of an emoji and what “text” is entered is not in your control. So it’s great for security but not in practice as a password. What brand was the kombucha I want some.

Yeah putting the name of the service in the passphrase is actually pretty secure, unless the rest of the password is like “thisisapasswordforFACEBOOK” cause then one password gets leaked and the rest can be inferred.

Was gonna say… you’re relying on the consistency of external emoji handlers that you don’t control. Ascii emojis are one thing.

We paid for streaming networks but our rural internet was too shitty to stream, so I’d torrent everything instead. Now we have good internet but all the streaming services are too expensive to sign up for. Just like the old days, the only available solution to see what you want at a fair price is piracy.

Oh yeah the article is about the laptop market, but of course all sort of non-portable devices run on non-x86 platform. I’d even say x86 is the minority unless you reduce it to just desktop workstations.

I’m a sysadmin and would much rather have a light arm machine to remote in from than a standard Intel laptop.

Not only that but also reducing the number of chips that need to be powered helps with efficiency.

ARM is more efficient and as a “system on chip” reduces the need for as many other components on the boards, phones for example. Unless you’re doing heavy cpu or gpu intensive tasks there’s a bunch of upsides and no downsides to ARM.

ARM just makes sense for portable devices for obvious reasons, x86 isn’t dying though. For the average person who needs a laptop to do some professional-managerial work ARM is perfect.