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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


I hope their productivity wasn’t impeded by this minor inconvenience. I’d hate it if their dying led to their employer making marginally less money. So rude of them.

Google: “You wanted words? Here are some words!”

It’s fiiiiine, I wouldn’t want a stupid brain chip that’s NOT on fire anyway. Looks much cooler and I bet that’s just how Daddy Elon planned it to be.

Our vultures are so fat, you wouldn’t believe how full they are all the time…

No, you’re seeing this the wrong way. The iceberg stands for urgently needed structural reforms in the body of the Titanic. After the project is completed, they’ll make movies about the whole thing, you’ll see!

Have enough money and the number of people pretending to take you seriously will skyrocket proportionally.

From the company that brought you “Fire Alarrm Silencer - because you don’t want that annoying noise in your ear, right?”

“My profits from fencing your wallet could not exist if stealing your wallet were punished.”

“Ah, you’re right, how silly of me, carry on.”

WON’T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! I am clearly loudly screaming about the children, so anybody who is against me with their logic or reasoning or well-founded objections must then obviously be AGAINST the children because these are the only two (2) options that exist. So you better shut up and take whatever abuse I can dish out because you don’t wanna look like a terrorist! Or a pedophile? I forget what boogeyman we’re currently using as an excuse to get people to agree to taking away their rights.

It’s his own fault for not being born into emerald mine money. If Elon can do it, so could he, if he weren’t too lazy.

“In our magnanimity, we let this worker drone pretend to belong to the real people who get to own stuff. Isn’t it cute? Look at its widdle smile.”

“Now you’re not even allowed to lie in order to defraud customers? I thought this was America! This is Cancel Culture gone too far!”

Proposed remaining ministries:

Ministry of Men

Ministry of Strong

Ministry of Beer and


You better watch out what you use your allotted amount of air for or you may not be granted another ration next week.

Now there’s only the Irresponsible AI team left.

“Yes, but that was LAST week. This is our excuse THIS week.”

Looking forward to see how this will improve the quality of Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard-EA-Ubisoft’s games and those of the competito- oh, never mind. None left.

You’re so cynical. They obviously want to spread joy among their customers. That and launder money.

All I hear is “we´d lose too many our costumers if we had to tell them how we´re fleecing them.”