• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


My brother had an orange manx cat when I was a kid. I can’t remember if it was a boy or a girl, just that it was the cutest thing.

Basically it’s a breed of cat with a very tiny tail.

wiki link

another link

picture of an orange manx cat

Remember kids, don’t let the news tell you how to feel. Watch out for words in the title like “outrage” and “furious”. Anger increases engagement and they know it.

When you make a post, the top line where you can put a url has a small image icon under and to the left of it. You can put your image there and it’ll show up on the main page without having to click through. I just learned this a couple of days ago when someone pointed it out to me. I was doing it like you are now.

But I’m not the boss of you. Do what you want.

YSK about Cool Zones if you have no air conditioning.
YSK you can take advantage of free air conditioning in designated public spaces to beat the heat. Many Californian cities have designated Cool Zones sites. These are air-conditioned settings where seniors and others can gather to escape the heat. For example, the libraries in my area are all designated cool zones. Anyone can take advantage of these sites to escape the heat and there may be one close to you. It's free and you can linger as long as you need to, at least until closing. Libraries also offer free wifi, if you are able to work online. If you are not in California, check online for similar programs in your area. Seniors are especially susceptible to heat sickness and death so please remember to check on elderly neighbors and relatives during high heat times.

YSK that if you have an air conditioner you should turn it on before you need it.
YSK because the first hot spell is when most people discover their AC unit is broken. Several years ago I waited to turn on my AC. This is how I found out about one of the busiest times for repairmen and had to sweat for two weeks. Now I do a test run a couple of weeks before it heats up. Same goes for the furnace at the end of Autumn. Edit to add: YSK line (Rule 2)