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Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Getting 4 sponsored links and an AI overview before I get to the search results.

It’s basically all the shit Yahoo did to lose their search dominance.

example if you see an ad you hate, for like a slot machine game app, and you click ‘see less ads like this

You engaged with that ad. It’s worth slightly more than if you scrolled by it.

I thought this was about carvana and was completely confused.

It’s Java…so…make a call to the ad server to say you’re in the store, that returns none and no one caught the error. Poof…reboot.

I might be making shit up, but that’s my best guess. Turn off ad block before you go next time and see if that’s it.

It might be a geo location thing. The Walmart app will switch modes when I go into a store. If your phone has funky things set up around that, it might break.

Could be root adblock breaking that functionality too.

Let’s be real…Microsoft finally depreciated Windows with Windows 11.

I’m ok with hybrid for the people that need that, but mandating it means it’s probably not a company I want to work for.

I’m full remote…nothing says insulting like having to badge in then then call India to make sure the kids over there actually got some work done.

Great…the company known for running cars into EMS vehicles at 80mph is focusing on AI. This will turn out fine.

But these people who are getting paid to humanise AI are fantastic opportunists. Sure, it’s not a great job, but they have effectively recognised a new seat at a moment when we’re redefining the idea of productivity.

That’s fucking soul crushing.

We just fired you to hire this machine, however, if you’d like to stick around and edit for it, we will pay you 1/4 to 1/2 your current rate.

Jesus…fuck that guy.

Pbpbpbp…agile fails fast by design.

The counter from the article is you need a specification first, and if you reveal the system wasn’t going to work during requirements gathering and architecture, then it didn’t count as a failure.

However, in my experience, architects are vastly over priced resources and specifications cost you almost as much as the rest of the project due to it.

TLDR…it’s a shit article that confuses fail fast with failure.

Dave is making money. Don’t blame him.

I quit a company for this. We wouldn’t give our star performers raises, but they somehow managed to pull off a 7 million dollar one week party for the whole company. It would’ve been something like 100k per employee had they just handed out bonuses.

We lost a wave of talent after that and their stock dropped 80%. I’m glad I cashed out when I did.

Then Bing it is. I switched on my daily machine and DDG has been ok. Still a lot of sponsored shit I don’t need, but better than getting a solid lie from Google

It does nudge you…but it’s not full screen ads that take multiple clicks to get through every week. I was a Windows zealot through W7…W10 got bad…W11 got me to start using Apple and Linux.

Lol…wut? Really? So few people bought Windows-RT that they think no one noticed.

What’s really interesting this time around is AI will cut middle management and paper pushers. Those are typically very good middle class jobs.

Unlike manufacturing, those people really don’t have transferable skills. They can’t go become mechanics or plumbers.

AI is going to hurt.

Meh…it’s a terrible article full of conjecture and frankly shitty casual causation.

The reason kids these days have higher rates of self harm and suicide isn’t digital. They’re getting fucking shot at when they go to school.

The parents are hyper aware of this and are overly protective. The kids aren’t going out after dark to cause havoc or just hang out with their friends any more.

There’s also a severe culture war going on between liberals and conservatives across the globe that’s distinctly split previous social groups.

None of this is due to a kid holding a smart phone. It’s down to really shitty adults doing really shitty things and then blaming the phone for exposing kids to said shittiness.

This article sucked.

I shrug at the whole thing…we spent a decade bitching about real world data being racist.

When we put in fake data, we got fake results.

Queue outrage.

Dunno…if I can buy, then dump everything 15 seconds after open, it’d probably be an easy win.

There will be a spike in the first minute of trading, then it will crash and burn.

Yea…it’s a feature these days…someone didn’t pay the 50$ safe aircraft upgrade.

This seems like it was written by a very bitter and jealous ex-google employee.

It’s all true, but the experimental and failure cycle isn’t a bad thing. It’s just how you innovate.

I think this is likely. After dealing with how bad W11 is, MS realized they don’t need working software or backwards compatibility to sell units.

Unlikely…these things drive like grandma after Sunday service.

I’m interested in the severity of autopilot accidents at highway speed vs a human driver.

Accidents per mile is a terrible argument. People that drive huge distances on open highways will appear to be safer than people driving mostly traffic dense city miles regardless of their actual skill.

What brand of car has better autopilot with other sensors?

All of them. The other automakers didn’t fire their engineers during a hissy fit.

Let’s say the infrastructure is there for this, and you don’t have to purchase the battery with a new EV…you just purchase a battery plan for like 100$ a month. It’d easily cut 10-20k off the cost of an EV up front.

Plus, quick charging isn’t quick. At best you’re looking at a 20 minute stop, and you’re praying a stall is open when you get there. This could solve that problem as well.

It’s an interesting idea.

some people genuinely don’t mind working in an office.

Usually they are the people that don’t have hard skills and/or love to hear themselves talk. They’re the people that make me love WFH.

There’s not a lot to discuss really…both sides are utterly evil. One side used women and babies as a shield, the other side pulled the trigger.

Both actions are indefensible and pure evil.

I’m game for this…Republicans would disappear from the net overnight if they had to use their real names.

I doubt the core of this is any social awakening…the platforms are simply unusable due to the amount of scams, bots, and spam.

Also, paid models simply won’t work in this sector. Attractive people simply don’t need the apps.

Where Microsoft really dropped the ball is their devices didn’t run windows apps. The surface RT was a disaster, and the phone wasn’t what the average consumer thought of when they thought of Microsoft. It’s be a herculean miracle to get a W7 lite x86 phone to run for more than a couple hours, but if they’d taken that approach, it would’ve changed the game.

Or they could’ve build a reliable x86 emulator on ARM, but that also would have been an engineering miracle.

The apps.

The industry just wasn’t interested. It’s too bad, the environment was excellent, and the phone was pretty slick. The HTC Sidekick will always be one of my favorite form factors for a phone.

There just wasn’t any interest in supporting a 3rd platform for most major companies.

I worked at a fortune 50 when the phone release and developed an app for it. The company looked at it and said they didn’t want to spend 50k to support it over the next year. The whole industry came to the same conclusion. Microsoft had to subsidize the 3rd party apps it got for the phone.