• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


I don’t even want to imagine the environmental studies and hurdles they’ll have to jump through to artificially alter an areas day/night cycle. There’s a laundry list of environmental concerns that I’m sure any homeowner or eco-activist worth their salt would jump on. Not to mention glare and impacts to air traffic, on and on.

Would make my solar panels pretty darn effective though. Would probably be great for SAD in winter too. Clever idea. Not sure I can get behind it though.

I’m going to retract that claim. I think it came in one of my tech newsletters but since I can’t find it, I don’t want to mislead anyone. Maybe I’m mixing it up with another tech product.

I’m trying to find it but I know there’s an article out there showing they lose something like $1k per unit.

As a near 40 year old with the same amount of student loan debt, I have absolutely considered a part-time gig to help pay down the loans. But the amount seems so enormous, and the repayment would be so comparatively small, that the little free time with my family is far more valuable.

Question (somewhat sarcastically): how has Yahoo! remained relevant and where does it even get its money from?

Dude, get out of my head. I’d just been on and stumbled onto themes while looking for a way to better format for desktop. Love the addition.

Was just on my way here to pull you leg and say you’re single-handedly responsible for my consuming large amounts of Reddit content again.

This is wonderful! I occasionally go back out of curiosity (aka to confirm it’s still trash) but refuse to engage. I’d hoped I could find an extension that would prevent accidentally upvoting or commenting. This is much better. I’d give you gold but “we don’t do that here.”

Kudos, Dev!

The original prompter of the trans women thread posted a chart purportedly showing that Grok was even more left-leaning than Chat GPT, which led Elon to say that while the chart “exaggerates” and that the tests aren’t accuarte, they are “taking immediate action to shift Grok closer to politically neutral.”

See this is the part of AI, like search engines and digital bubbles, that is actually terrifying. When an organic result is manipulated to fit and amplify a narrative without the users knowledge. Where your data comes from matters.

But if the food we eat is any sort of bellweather, most people won’t really care or will be so far removed from the source that we’ll be oblivious and just happy to consume.

The unfortunate brilliance of it is that there are master strategists and tacticians that understand how to pass thinly-veiled invasive legislation under some undeniably noble premise.

NYC started with speed cameras and red light cameras only near schools to “protect children.” Who wouldn’t support that? Every single government employee knew this was a long term play: capture metrics showing how much these roadways have improved - then use that to support expansion of the system elsewhere. The same with NYPD cameras and surveillance stations.

Start with something small and digestible to the public, then use it to substantiate the unpalatable.

My immediate thought about Reddit. Sure I discover some things there but what I really enjoy is seeing people’s reaction and genuine discussion (the quality of which is much better on Lemmy).

I’d love to use RSS but it feels rather lonely by comparison.

I don’t know a thing about adult industry financing but are there investors? Are the moneybags telling them to clean up their image?