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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I’ve preferred Apple Maps for a few years now, Googles used to be top of the game but it’s fallen off while Apple’s have IME improved

Add it to the pile of shit they’ve completely fucked up recently.

Or in an even darker timeline Lockheed-Martin or Raytheon will open a commercial division, I guess at least the shit will work

Isn’t this just all what the AI plot of Metal Gear Solid 2 was trying to say? That without context on what is real and what’s not the noise will drown out the truth

Wait for real? I don’t think I’ve heard many say those terms out loud, i pronounce them in my head Nome, Mate, Soos, and q-t

I’m not gonna sit here and tell you your experience is invalid, but having watched thousands of people interact with self checkouts I have to say yours is an outlier at least to my experience, I just see people who expect the computer running the software to read their minds. Never once have I seen a system just do something and lock up without improper input, I’m sure you’re a very bright and tech savvy person but that doesn’t preclude you from having blind spots in the POS sector which is very different than most others in tech. Scales can fall out of calibration but that is really easily fixed by a program within the systems, it would literally take ten seconds if the retailer gave a damn

Can’t help you with the Walmart tap pay though, that’s on them as a retailer and one of the many reasons I don’t shop there, although I know that’s not an option for everyone.

If you have a problem with working self checkouts that isn’t related to a scale calibration that’s on you, I’ve been using them without issue since I was a teenager which was two decades ago. They are stupidly intuitive

The only intervention I have ever needed over 20+ years of using was for an ID check, it’s very very possible to use them without having an issue 99% of the time. They fuck up because people don’t have any patience or just a general misunderstanding of how a cash register works, which is not a difficult concept

Not defending Apple here necessarily but have you not ever been in line for a self checkout? It’s not a difficult piece of software or equipment to use and in my experience half of the users if not more cannot handle it. Users are really fucking dense

A fair point, but that’s certainly something that can be improved upon, I don’t think these are really there yet but I do think that’s where they are aiming. They might not be able to pull it off but I think I would get one if they do

I’m just reading tea leaves but I think these could eventually be Apples shot at the two biggest pillars of Microsoft’s consumer base, enterprise and gaming. In enterprise I could see these being great for replacing multi monitor setups and keeping all the information you need in view, obviously the price would still need to come down but I personally would love to decouple from my desk without giving up that screen real estate but maybe I’m in the minority. They also debuted the dev tools for porting games to run on Apples M architecture and MacOS, and with all the progress made in Linux gaming the passed few years I could easily see them trying to optimize that to the point where it’s as good as Proton(which I know the dev kit is based on in some capacity). And that would be a tipping point.

Again this is all just wild speculation but I don’t think it’s completely crazy to think that Apple released these before they had the other pieces in place so they could completely iron the kinks out. Feel free to tell me why I’m very wrong if I am

Ugh that’s going to make all my quick runs for a single onion a pain in the ass. But I do agree that most people in self checkouts are incapable of efficiently using quick lookup. Even though it’s right there!

I love self checkouts especially if I’m just grabbing a few things because I’ve gotten the rhythm of them down really well and get in and out much more quickly. And in reality they should only be used to offload the customers that meet that exact profile, “just grabbing a few things, not intimidated by tech”

That said the problem is two fold, people do not understand the optimal use case of self checkouts, and two companies see them as a way to cut as much labor as they can which in many cases forces those who don’t meet the ideal criteria into using them.

Some of them used to be, that much money actually changes your brain chemistry, the ones born rich never had the chance to be real people(that’s not an excuse for them) and the ones that became rich in life lost their humanity. Fuck em, they could become a regular person again at any point by giving 99% of their money away and still live an enviable life with what remains

I’d reckon it’s probably a bit of pile A a bit of pile B depending on the company location of the offices

He’ll never be able to walk away, he certainly deserves the chance to rest but if wants so keep working in not going to stop watching his films

That’s what I use on personal machines most of the time, but I still have to use Google occasionally and it is usually easier when I have questions about what I’m trying to look up

I mean they probably would if that didn’t mean suing the government, although they might win in todays climate

I was considering giving a Diablo game a shot for the first time, not anymore, this is just dumb

You mean to tell me that Racer X is in fact Rex Racer!? That is outrageous