macgyver's nick name

I don’t get why you’re all so mad at me for being right, I don’t get mad at you for always being wrong

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 04, 2023


Yeah like if the media and Hillary didn’t conspire to created a pied piper candidate that is unraveling our social contract by the day

I’d subscribe if there were anything worth watching. Occupational reality shows on every channel. Streaming has gotten so bad lately that I don’t think we’re going to have a culture in the future just people setting themselves on fire for TikTok clout

Google should not be setting standards on something that is supposed to be open. Google should be getting dismantled and divided into individual companies that would fail without the surveillance apparatus that is the real product, which is why it will never happen and why they’re given unchecked power

I can’t even begin to articulate my hatred for the current Microsoft business model. People used to joke how evil they were but it’s only continued to get worse

🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

People like to pretend Mastodon is confusing

I wonder if it’ll catch on only to get destroyed by political operatives and bots

I got my invite and quickly deleted it when I found out that everyone there loved James Gunn and came at me for pointing out he can’t be the flagship celeb to advertise the platform. My notifications blew up for days. It wasn’t worth sticking around getting harassed when I’m not the bad person!

Google was founded to track people globally, I think people thought this was a joke people said for fun

If anything it’s highlighting problems that already existed like the rollback of the Fairness Doctrine. If it was still in effect you would have more legal ground to stand on. Now they can lie, shrug and say ‘we’re just entertainers’ and they do it from Maddow to Carlson

Is Microsoft trying to outdo Apple’s e-waste record? Can’t they come up with their own ideas?

You guys think I should upgrade my Voodoo 3 card? No one is joining my quake server anymore anyway

That’s not a sentence I’m used to seeing

Great except the military pollutes more than 140 countries and there are several wars ongoing. If you really want the climate to stop changing we need to reel in the international shipping industry, the fashion industry, and also the global war machine.

I don’t see the draw. Do people like Pedro Pascal because they feel bad for his GoT character? I don’t have anything against him as a person or an actor but he seems like your average TV grade actor. Someone you would have seen ages ago in a show like LOST and forgot about. Good for him but I don’t get why people online act like he’s the best thing to happen to television

Kids these days. I remember when this was a forest and you could get a piece of pie and a newspaper for a quarter

Reddit is the most censored platform on the internet, who wants to use that? Before the API fallout, it was barely tolerable with the subreddit fiefdoms and the shitlords who ruled over them with a pudgy iron fist. To be honest I’m surprised it took so long to make an open source link aggregator since it sucked right after the ye olde digg debacle. “They’re our enemies”