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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


And once again, I am seriously questioning Apple’s privacy claims. Why else would Apple build such a moat around Safari?

  1. Contrast. You can’t use light to make something dark.
  2. In the HUDs that we do have (Hololens, Google Glass), you typically use something like DLP or waveguides. Both are pretty expensive.

There are fewer barriers with helmets because they are usually tinted.

I’m a fan of anything that keeps eyes more forwards/on the road.

My phone autocorrects this wrong frequently, like it’s life depends on it. One can assume GP typed the correct thing.

Hololens is slightly more advanced. At least the last I saw it uses waveguides etc. to overlay the content over a transparent panel. Much like Google glasses, but way, way more advanced (and therefore justifiably expensive - last I saw, again, it was something like $15000). AVP is no different to a $300 Quest (plus internal cameras for iris and expression tracking and obnoxiously bad FOV) - it’s 10x Apple tax.

Hololens is still alive and kicking btw, but it’s exclusively enterprise.

It probably won’t do anything less than 32bit, so that’s at least one thing C is good for.

I have used both C and Rust for embedded. Rust is significantly more enjoyable. https://embassy.dev/

C is good for nothing.

Worms are near impossible to install on an immutable system. You can’t just write to /usr/share/bin or some other truck to hide your binary. It doesn’t help at all with exfiltration

It was never in harbor to begin with.