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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


The military “geniuses” at work again trying to suppress democracy.

Systemic prejudices showing up in datasets causing generative systems to spew biased output? Gasp… say it isn’t so?

I’m not sure why this is surprising anymore. This is literally expected behavior unless we get our shit together and get a grip on these systemic problems. The rest of it all is just patch work and bandages.

Was it minority report or the matrix that showed humans storing data on glass?

Either way, this is pretty cool.

Right? Thats what “falling demand” should be attributed to. It’s a computer which will last years because of how capable it is. I’m not sure expecting people to upgrade computers year over year is the right metric for how well a product lineup is doing.

Apple Silicon chips are game changers, the rate of adoption is going to different compared to phones or a different product category however.

This war uncovered the conventional one sided “reporting” by most big media outlets especially here in the US which was in favor of Israel, turning a blind eye to the blight of the Palestinian civilians. People called them out because of social media and media outlets changed their tune to be more “neutral” as a consequence.

Social media sucks and but one thing it’s extremely good at is disseminating information, good and bad, and it should be used with that in mind.

By comparison, that Atlantic “article” is paywalled and can’t even disseminate its point beyond the headline.


What he actually meant to say was:

“I’ve got my head so far up my ass that I think everybody should be spending $100k+ on a truck regardless of their need or financial circumstances. I’m also incapable of doing my job, which is why my company can’t produce enough units, even though it’s largely a solved supply chain problem. This is how I cope with my shitty existence on this planet.”

Oh? Whatever happened to freedom of speech and “protecting it at any cost”? What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

The “I have more money than the rest of the planet combined and yet I’m a dumbass” phase.