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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Yak chews are apparently the shit…

My dog flips out over them, even when it’s just an old one I found under the couch and he already has multiple out to chew on

Ineffective policies for the poor’s that has a negligible effect while giant corporations make billions and exacerbate the problem?

Don’t worry. They totally promised to lower prices if the government approves a merger to give them even more of a monopoly and thusly more direct control over pricing…


Not really sarcastic tho, theyre legitimately making that argument right now while they’re still price gouging.

It’s just obvious bullshit.

Yeah, except the food sucks and it’s full of Nazis…

The article says they don’t want to leave because of their high follower counts…

But most of them are bots, inactive, or Nazis following so they can troll comments easier.

They care about an empty number and won’t do the slightest work to improve an alternative.

If all you want is a participation trophy and no one to tell you how to do better, sure.

I don’t see the point in that, but I do see a point to honest feedback.

If someone is still questioning if they should be on Twitter, then they don’t know enough about what’s going on to speak about why people shouldnt still be using it.

It’s not exactly complicated.

Probably not for the reason you think.

Like, it wouldn’t be patched into anything official

But it means Musk knew where that ship was 24/7, and I’m pretty sure that’s why Ukraine’s military stopped using it. Musk tipped off Putin to troop movements.

I switched to duckduckgo before this bullshit, but this would 100% make me switch if I hadn’t already.

Who wants random ai gibberish to be the first thing they see?

>India leads the world in generating plastic pollution, producing 10.2 million tons a year (9.3 million metric tons), far more than double the next big-polluting nations, Nigeria and Indonesia. China, often villainized for pollution, ranks fourth but is making tremendous strides in reducing waste, Velis said. Other top plastic polluters are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia and Brazil. Those eight nations are responsible for more than half of the globe’s plastic pollution, according to the study’s data. >The United States ranks 90th in plastic pollution with more than 52,500 tons (47,600 metric tons) and the United Kingdom ranks 135th with nearly 5,100 tons (4,600 metric tons), according to the study.

I used a burner account that wasn’t following many users, and the videos the X TV app offered me on first viewing includes a Megyn Kelly video accusing Tim Walz of committing “stolen valor,” a report from right-wing social media influencer Andy Ngo and Carlson’s fawning interview with historian Darryl Cooper who performs some revisionist history by calling Winston Churchill “the chief villain of the Second World War.”

I’m honestly surprised they’re outright saying the Allies were the villains now…

Like, it’s almost enough for me to try and Google the “historian” to see if she thinks Russia or the Nazis were the good guys.

You’d think they wouldn’t push Russia because back then they claimed to be communist, but it’s not like logical consistency matters to them. They like Russia now, so they could very well claim Russia was always the good guys.

Or they could just be more blatantly pro Nazi then they used to be.

but didn’t explain why the link was flagged

Couldn’t possibly be because Twitter is basically four chan and those “free speech extremists” always mass report shit they don’t like …

I have zero idea why everybody is still using that shit

How crazy would it be tho if we found out he really was an early adopter, had one put it in a decade ago, and that’s why he’s so bat shit now?

Even “the rich” are fucked…

They’re all almost always over leveraged and ironically living “paycheck to paycheck” (investment to investment?) despite having so much money most people would just retire. One or two bad results and it’s all gone.

They’re being bled for all their money by the billionaires too.

So they’re part of the problem, but it’s more like they’re the first people who bought into a pyramid/ponzi scheme. Not that they’re the ones running the grift.

The real issue is it’s a shit system, so the real solution is fixing the system

So it sounds like they had a house in a reasonable area…

Her old boss called her up in 2021 offering double what she got paid last time…

And they never thought to check why she was being offered twice her salary to do the same job?

It’s likely because everyone moved away due to housing prices if they weren’t insanely wealthy. Shouldn’t have sold the home they owned before they even googled the price of homes where they were moving.

Also makes me think it’s likely they have exceptionally bad credit like you said. They got two kids, and apparently do zero planning for huge life decisions and complain when shit doesn’t work out. Other families raise kids on legit 1/10th of the money this family has…

And she’s a financial specialist?

Wouldn’t the contributors to those subs just make a new one that’s not paywalled?

Reddit is going to be asking users to pay to generate content on specific subs, but they’re forgetting again that the sub isn’t the important part, it’s the users.

This would just fracture the biggest subs and destroy the communities.

Gonna remove this because it’s not sourced. If you want to post something like then it needs a good article behind it, not just a random screenshot of a headline.

You can condemn awful people/groups/governments all around.

Where has Kamala condemned Israel?

She still has to pay off the AIPAC money that get her into the Senate.

She won’t be as bad as Joe, but she’s already been bought and this statement after meeting with Bibi isn’t a very good indication of how she’ll govern.

The sourced site is a little spammy, and I wish they linked the full survey in their article since they conducted the poll themselves, but it’s an important problem that people should talk about.

1/3 of Americans over 65 (retirement age for them) have less than $100…

We need to actually address this shit, and fast. Or we’re going to have a shit ton of elderly unhoused people soon. If they’re lucky they’ll end up in nursing homes our taxes pay for anyways. And the wealthy who own them will make profit off them still.

And it doesn’t take much to fix this. I’m a disabled Vet, I basically get UBI, and got a good mortgage with no down payment because the government vouched and would have paid if I defaulted early. I also don’t have to pay anything for healthcare.

We can 100% afford to give every last American what I’m getting. We just have to tax the wealthiest, and neither party wants to do that to a level that makes up for the damage they’ve caused.

As bad as shit is, we’re really not that far away from fixing it. A decade of progressives running our government and shit would be fine. This isn’t some impossible problem we dont know how to fix, we’re just not electing people who want to fix it.

It’s just insanely frustrating being a real world example of how much progressive policies can fix, and constantly being told we can’t tax billionaires enough for everyone to get it.

I didn’t like the comparison either.

Alfred is a fine man, and would probably be a damn good president.

OP made that comparison

See how much has changed?

You can’t just insist anyone that asks for more than Biden is a trump supporter.

You’re not trying to stop trump, you’re trying to bully people into supporting your candidate.

That doesn’t work.

Like. Historically those kind of campaigns lead to Republican presidents. I’m not saying it won’t work right here with me, I’m saying it’s not going to work on enough voters to stop trump. Just like it didn’t in 2016, and barely worked in 2020 before Biden was unapologetically supporting a genocide and being sued by the ACLU.

Dem voters vote more for someone they want than against something they don’t want.

It’s basic human psychology.

You don’t want to hear the best way to beat Trump, you want to start slap fights and screech at people until they vote for who you want.

Seriously, just take the L.

At this point with all the personal attacks, it really feels like you’re trying to bait me into banning you.

What others?

Because you still haven’t linked a single one where I say anything other than it’s not too late to not run Biden.

Honestly tho, this is getting real close to personal harassment and youve been repeatedly misrepresenting what others say

Just chill out and start following Lemmy.world’s civility rules.

Hell, you even left out part of the quote so it looks like I didn’t answer:

I hate how people phrase that like anyone saying Biden is a stupid risk, are just saying that because they have a favorite candidate…

Anyone that’s not pro-genocide, is pro-worker, and not trump would have a walkin victory.

You asked for one specific person, so AOC has the best chance to stop trump in my opinion.

She’s young, charismatic, a great public speaker, and can flip red states like Obama in 08 due to those traits.

You linked a comment where I said:

Except the Dems convention hasn’t happened yet and there’s still plenty of time to hire Batman a great butler who’s still capable…

Joker only has a chance if we run Alfred and he loses. We don’t have to run Alfred.

So if you want to do everything you can to stop Joker, Alfred needs to step aside and endorse his replacement

That is not at all what you’re saying it is.

Please try to keep it civil and not blatantly lie about what others have said.

That defeatist attitude is why the DNC keeps trying to cram more conservative candidates than the people want down America’s throat.

Like, if the most progressive candidates we get are past 70 and against progress…

Yeah. We’re not going to make progress even when we beat the fascists.

Its hard to blame anyone for the lack of progress except the people fighting progress…

It’s like choosing between Taco Bell and McDonald’s for dinner and then acting surprised we didn’t get a steak.

If we want steak, we gotta order from somewhere that at least has a chance of delivering a steak to the table.

It doesn’t mean steak is impossible, just impossible if we keep ordering from the same shitty fast food places.

The problem is one party plans decades ahead of time to bring fascism back to America…

And the only other option refuses to plan past getting elected.

Hell, the whole nation united under Biden to beat Trump, and as soon as Biden got in office (with house and Senate majorities) he spent two years "looking into’ what he could do.

We can’t half ass the fight against fascism and expect to make progress long term.


It’s almost a year old, people keep talking about 4chan, and the top posts of “all time” are homophobic and low-key racist…


Why would normal people go there instead of Lemmy? And why would homophobic racists go there instead of 4chan?

2022, it wasn’t publicized much, so most still haven’t heard of it.

Would be a great rallying cry for young voters if Dems were trying to fight it and lower it back down after removing the cap.

But donors dont want that, so voters don’t get an option that will do it.

You’re allowed to say you disagree with people transitioning.

That is your opinion, it’s terrible and makes you look like a terrible person, but you can have that opinion and deal with the fall out for telling people you hold it.

Saying what you did, can be construed as you disagreeing with them existing.

“I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department,” he admitted.

He’s been brainwashed by his fans if he thinks that somehow makes it better.

Like, authenticy is good for good things, but it makes shitty things even shittier. It’s not a value that’s always good in every context. And the worst thing he could be doing is doubling down on his opinions and policy.

If he left the company is the only way this would help, he wouldn’t even be a fall guy because most of this is entirely his fault

Don’t just comment for stuff like this, report it so it can be removed.

They don’t have a real job…

According to the disclosures, the terminated employees worked in Wells Fargo’s wealth- and investment-management unit.

Time and time again, these funds don’t really beat the average of an index fund.

But the Uber wealthy dont like being lumped together with regular people. So they pay commissions to get the same performance, resulting in less profits than an ind x when it’s all said and done.

But the company points to the small parts that do over perform, and downplays the bad parts.

Turn 1 million into 5 million, and it’s easy to forget there was another 10 million that’s worth 6 million now.

Sure you up a million, but you’re focused on that 5x gain and not the 4 million loss. So before commissions it’s a draw.

In real life there’s interest, inflation, and lots of other stuff that muddies the waters.

It’s like their version of horse racing, they bet on a bunch and hope one hits it big and pays off the losses on the others. It’s the same as gambling and just as addictive.

So if these employees were answering their phone when a big client calls and letting stuff sit, their performance was probably fine.

Because it’s not a real job.

To be clear this isn’t official results, this is what musk is projecting.

But the only think the big holders care about is their return rates. And they know Tesla is waaaaaaay overvalued. It’s all based on hype.

So would Tesla be a better company free of musk?


But they don’t care about that. Musk hype drove the stock price up, no real company would be so overvalued. Without continued hype, the price goes down, which might cause a run on the stock and might end the company.

musk is Tesla. And it’s why the company will be nothing but hype. Doesn’t matter if the company loses money as long as stock price keeps going up.

Making quality vehicles isnt their business model, it’s keeping the stock price up.

How is Gen X getting blamed for that?

Helicopter parenting was just something boomers did because they tend to like micromanaging and assume they’re the smartest ever.

Pretty much every generation (in America at least) that wasn’t raised by boomers was “free range”.

The mom leaves them alone for like 12-18 hours a day, but it will come back.

Too many people think if it’s alone for an hour it needs saved.

The mom leaves the fawns alone for so long, because if they’re walking around they’re a liability. It won’t be up and moving till it’s off milk and learning to forage.


Three billion human lives ended on August 29, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare, a war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Skynet, sent two terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of the human Resistance. John Connor; my son. The first terminator was programmed to strike at me, in the year 1984, before John was born. It failed. The second was sent to strike at John himself, when he was still a child. As before, the Resistance was able to send a lone warrior. A protector for John. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.

There’s been a couple reboots tho

It’s not about it being “dangerous” except that it’s a social media company whose interests don’t align with Western governments.

Like, I’m sure they do shady things with data, but that’s not just them.

The difference is China has no reason to listen to any other country about what to censor, and is going to censor what they want instead.

Musk and Zuck do shady shit that harms customers, but at the end of the day Western governments can exert control over them.

If another country has to ask China to censor something, China is also going to want some stuff censored by that country.

There’s two forms.

  1. Some banks offer to split payments on debit purchases after you make the purchase.

  2. Some stores (mostly online) offer it at checkout.

There’s no credit checks, and it’s easy for the buyer to not realize what’s happening.

Every single time you do it, a 3rd party company opens a line of credit for it.

It’s like getting a new credit card every time it’s used. Which demolishes peoples credit before they realize what’s going on.

But there’s rarely interest if paid on time, so people just don’t understand the damage they’re doing.

AI is not an excuse to burn fossil fuels

AI is not a valid reasons to burn more fossil fuels

It is definitely being used as an excuse to do so.

And if it wasnt, something else would be.

I’m sorry if I’m still not explaining that in a clear way, but I don’t think we’re going to resolve this at this point if it still isn’t.

I’m sorry, I just don’t seem to follow these train of comments.

Each reply just seems kind of random and not related to what I’m saying.


AI is the excuse to burn more fossil fuels.

If it was just about AI, it could be used as an excuse to build up renewables.

What I meant was if the excuse wasn’t AI, it would be something else for the excuse.

The current admin (and trump if he wins) neither have any desire to cut back on fossil fuels. It’s one of the few things propping up “the economy” which is why Biden is shattering the domestic fossil fuel production records that trump just set a few years ago.

There was always something that was going to prevent this, they never seriously wanted it to happen, that would hurt fossil fuel donations to politicians