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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


That screenshot looks like the old screenshots from the early browser wars with 20 toolbars stacked.

lol. That’s not how any of this works.

If you have content freely and publicly accessible, it will be read freely by humans and bots.

What monopoly?

Users have choice. If they want an open system, choose android. If they want a closed system, choose Apple.

What’s the fuckin problem. Let’s deal with real issues, not this bullshit.

Would you include protesting? What about protesting an abortion clinic? What about attending a MAGA rally? What if you found out a coworker was heavily involved in the KKK but never discussed it at work?

I’m asking these questions because I entirely agree with you. Activities outside of work should have no influence on your treatment at work. This includes both things we support and things we do not support.

Would you still agree?

Is anyone surprised? Brilliant engineers going to work at Google expecting to work on world changing software and instead work on selling more ads.

How miserable.

As someone with my watch history off, it’ll be interesting if this button even shows.

I have no subscriptions, no history, and no tracking of any kind enabled. If this shows a recommendation related to my watch history, that’d shine a light on what those privacy controls really do.

They may not be at the center, but they are always early in the decision making process.

Should I use X Google product for this? No.

The slow march back to cable is unstoppable.

Pirate everything. Share everything.

Piracy is an access problem, not a consumer problem.

Agreed completely. I’m noticing that I need to use !g less and less. It used to be a daily or twice daily thing, but these days it is more of a weekly or monthly usage.

Google has plenty of cash to live for a long time and an ad machine that prints money, but their days of dominance are numbered, in my opinion.

Cable should be vastly cheaper than streaming since it is double dipping on payment models. Paying for access and then also paying through watching ads means cable should be half or less what the current rate is.

Instead of using the shitty Reddit app, may I suggest using old.Reddit on mobile or even better, use a front end like https://teddit.adminforge.de/

Either way, good luck on your journey!