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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 08, 2021


We already have to have key rings. Centralized DNS is just a second, superfluous layer of authority (and a massive grift) on top

If EV get out of their slump, they will devour every last electron that we have and we will need 10 times the current production.

The certificate authorities on my ring that I trust. For normal people that’s already included in their OS or browser

All of them, find one that responds an answer valid for my local saved key.

The DNS server is no longer an authority on its own, just your keyring matters.

Delete .gov and .com, blights upon’s the digital common

Au contraire, not only you quickly learn the grab bag of strategy and tricks of the “average programmers” and their default solutions, you no longer get bogged down in the menial wrangling of compiler syntax.

That is IF you actually read, debug and implement this code as part of a larger system.

Of course if it “just works” and you don’t read how it works then you just get a working tool, but don’t really learn how it works inside. Kind of like those people who just drive cars but never did replace their crank bearings and transmission clutch packs

If you do interact with the code I think it will quickly elevate a newbie to a mediocre but capable programmer. Progressing beyond that is like stepping out and walking after driving for days.

It’s when you only have a pot and your fingers that a spatula is awesome. I could never bother finish learning C and its awkward syntax. Even though I know how to code in some other language, I just couldn’t write much C at all and it was painful and slow. And too much time passed between attempts that I forgot most of it in between. Now I can easily make simple C apps, I just explain the underlying logic, with example of how I would do it in my preferred language and piece by piece it quickly comes together and I don’t have to remember if the for loop needs brackets of parenthesis or brackets nor if the line terminator is colon or semi colon.

You are at -20 and I can still read you just fine. On reddit they would have banned you, got you fired from your job and stolen your cat.

What would these busybodies do with their free time then and how would they obtain a sense of self worth ? They can’t quit, deleting other people from the internet is their whole life.

Always start SO questions with X/Y problem pre-empting

These people are everywhere and will stop at nothing to make you click on one of these

https://xyproblem.info/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34444353 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem

They are trying to derail your question, which was already a generalized version of what your actual question was. And of course, you would need to explain everything you generalized out of your question (which would probably all get deleted by someone editing your question and removing all the irrelevant facts) by which point your question becomes so complicated nobody can answer it, even though they could have answered the generalized version.

My advice, just use chatgpt or mistral, 99% you will get a better answer than stackoverflow. And you will get this actionnable answer IMMEDIATELY !

Hey can I do this but just enough to feed my family and keep my house ? I don’t need 10 million 100k a year would do just fine for me !

Nobody forced them to be ruthless monsters and monopolize computers for 40 years.

I wouldn’t be there to say “I told you so” after they realise that 3 years later. So I’m not going to test this for fun.

Look, I can do everything that I do at work from home, except prevent my boss from realizing that some Indian could do my job from his home at a tenth of the price!

Chatgpt, decode this thread

Your message draws heavily on mythological references and metaphor to discuss the evolution of technology, particularly the ongoing shifts in computing power and platforms. Let’s break it down:

Stolen Fire from the Gods: This likely references the myth of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to give to humanity, symbolizing the act of bringing powerful, once-guarded knowledge or technology to the masses. In a modern context, this could relate to how advanced computing technology, once limited to powerful PCs, is now becoming more accessible.

ARM Snapdragon X: ARM architecture, particularly Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips, powers many modern smartphones and tablets. The "Snapdragon X" might symbolize the next step in this evolution, suggesting that these mobile processors are becoming powerful enough to rival traditional PCs, effectively turning a smartphone into a desktop-like experience.

Heracles and the Eagle: In the myth, Heracles shoots the eagle that tortures Prometheus, which could represent a disruption or liberation. Here, it might be a metaphor for technological breakthroughs that disrupt the current state of computing, potentially "freeing" users from traditional PC constraints.

Prometheus informing Zeus: This could suggest the risks of such breakthroughs—informing Zeus of the path to Troy might hint at unintended consequences or revealing strategies that could lead to new challenges or conflicts, perhaps hinting at issues of control, security, or privacy in technology.

Titanomachy: The Titanomachy was a war between the Titans and the Olympians. This might symbolize large-scale technological battles or shifts, like the competition between different tech giants or platforms.

Human Exchange of Fire: Unlike the gods, humans share knowledge and technology with each other, passing "fire" back and forth, which could represent the collaborative and iterative nature of technological progress.

Pain of Letting Go: Innovation often comes with sacrifices—letting go of older technologies or familiar ways of doing things, which can be as painful and destructive as nuclear fission, perhaps referencing the intense impact and change technology can bring, much like the mythological conflicts that reshaped the world.

Gaia and Uranus's Family Vacation: This refers to the myth where Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky) bore the Titans, leading to significant upheavals. This could symbolize the fundamental, tectonic shifts that technological advancements create in society, reshaping landscapes (both literal and metaphorical).

In essence, your message seems to discuss the transformation of computing power, the challenges of innovation, and the profound impacts technology has on society, all wrapped in a mythological narrative.

The PC was stolen fire from the gods. aRM snapdragon X will take back our fire, turn PC into smartphone on the desktop.

My guy create a Lemmy community about whatever topic and I will post something weird and offputing there, high-five !

They think they are so entrenched that the thought of users leaving is not a consideration at all. He said it himself and been proven right. Governments are also asleep at the wheel. Their users are prisoners.

The main goal is cementing the position of the giants, creating a bureaucratic mote around them to keep small players economically unviable.

Have they considered a community sponsored “group buy” of compute, to just train the model as far as the community will bear ? SDXL was so great, surely 100k people could put 5$ a month toward making monthly improvement open source checkpoints happen ? I don’t see any other financing model work out if the output is open source. It simply can’t be financed after publication. And it won’t get the community support if it’s behind a paywall.

I agree, bring on the weird, I don’t need accurate, I want hallucinated novelty. This is like people who treat LLM like a dictionary or search engine and complain about innaccuracy. They don’t understand this is to be expected of a synthetized answer.

Hallucinations is an essential part of the value these things bring.

I see this growing sentiment. Are we on the cusp of a re-examination of this social wound.

If they do that, I will laser the optics off soviet early warning satellites and start thevnuclear holocaust. I think everyone would like that !

Making shit up IS a feature of LLMs. It’s crazy to use it as search engine. Now they’ll try to stop it from hallucinating to make it a better search engine and kill the one thing it’s good at …