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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 27, 2023


The idea that a state government is unnecessarily at the mercy of any corporation is hard to comprehend. Especially, as in this case, a foreign corporation.

Open source shouldn’t only be the standard for governments. It should be the minimum requirement.

Even people who build their own computers usually buy all the RAM they want at the time that they’re building it.

The biggest difference to them is likely the feeling that they’re losing their ability to upgrade, more than the actual upgrade itself. I still think that feeling is an important factor, though.

This is a complicated situation, but in my opinion, probably the correct decision.

Given this is the ruling, if you do believe your phone is about to be confiscated, and you don’t want its contents to be used as evidence, it might be a good idea to turn off your phone. Although the police cannot compel a password, a biometric unlock is not a password. If you turn off your phone, it will generally require a password to enable biometric unlock.

It’s virtually guaranteed that at some point, robots and/or AI will be capable of doing almost every human job. And then there will be a time when they can do every job better than any human.

I wonder how people will react. Will they become lazy? Depressed? Just have sex all the time? Just have sex with robots all the time?

You need to make a choice to continue using Facebook

This reminds me of the movie War Games, when WOPR says, “The only winning strategy is not to play.” The only correct choice to make here is to delete your Facebook account.

The problem is that nobody in tech can even really work for eight hours a day for long periods. People who work long hours almost always pad out the actual work with non-work. And the people who live at work are typically screwing around so much that they barely get any work done.

Yes, it makes sense to do all of this as a person working there, but I think it is telling that the companies let this happen. People can only work so much. Why not get the work out of them that you can, and then send them on their way?

The FBI is investigating how cyber criminals obtained medical records and naked patient photos from a Las Vegas plastic surgery office

“How” is probably not going to be interesting. It could be someone opened a dodgy email attachment at work. It could be that the files were never secure and were on some public facing server with default passwords.

Our systems are fundamentally broken because they rely on every person with access having some expertise, and being vigilant. But that’s virtually impossible.

These sorts of misadventures happen all the time, just not usually with nude pictures coming out.

The way “how” might be interesting is if somebody from the inside intentionally leaked them.

Even worse, they laid them off by having the voice assistant call to inform them.

This is part of the reason why you don’t want to put a person with a fragile ego in charge of a major country.

A script is a type of software, so that’s not really a big difference.

I don’t know about Tesla specifically, but if I was making a car that was intended to be moddable like this, I would have a hardware interface of some sort, and expect the mod to call a public API. This is similar to how cell phones can connect via USB and have some functionality.

Programming your Tesla would mean that you upload software that your car runs. I think you can’t do that, but you should be allowed to.

As it’s a matter of public safety, and as part of a right to repair, all of the software that runs in cars should be open source, and should be able to be updated by the owner.

We shouldn’t be prosecuting these people, but we should be figuring out how to get them help.

An adult person who is attracted to children can obviously not have any legal sexual contact with a child, just like anybody else, and so we need to make sure they have the tools and ability to get by without that.

I don’t know what’s best for these people. Maybe the best way to help them is to let them have this fake material. Maybe the best way to help them is to try to deny them this sort of material. There’s probably some scientist out there who has studied what is the best thing.

For all of you guys that aren’t going to read the relatively long article, here’s a TL;DR

The artist in question is Devon Rodriguez, who you will more likely recognize if I say he is “the painter who draws people on the subway, from TikTok.”

He did a gallery, and this critic, Ben Davis, said that these types of subway portraits are nothing new. The portraits are good as far as realistic portraits go, but as an art critic, the portraits themselves are not very noteworthy. The videos of him making the portraits are what is noteworthy.

Devon Rodriguez didn’t like the review and pointed his fans at it. His fans didn’t actually read the review (nor did Devon). The fans really got stuck on the part where the critic said that you might not recognize the artist until he called him “the painter who draws people on the subway, from TikTok.”

On Saturday morning, I woke up to a tidal wave of anger from Rodriguez on Instagram, tagging me across scores of posts. Hundreds of his followers went on the attack, swarming my Instagram: “loser,” “hater,” “pathetic,” “jealous,” “your a dick,” and on and on and on. There were many creative variations on “kill yourself.” Others said they were going to get me fired, or said things like, “we are going to start a cancellation campaign against you.” A large number thought that defending Rodriguez meant calling me bald, ugly, fat, or whatever they thought could get under my skin. Most didn’t seem to have actually read my article. A contingent went after my wife. “Some women will do anything for money,” one commented. That one was funny, actually.

Meanwhile, Devon makes public posts saying, of the critic, “love will always outshine being a hater, I hope I taught you that today.”

The critic goes on to say that Devon Rodriguez’s videos are obviously faked, and posts the most obvious example he could find, where another TikToker dances on the London Underground for 30 minutes while he makes a sketch of her that clearly seems to be from a photo not taken at the time. The whole thing has multiple camera angles, and then she acts surprised when he reveals that he drew her.

He ends talking a lot about how problematic parasocial relationships can be. These are where a lot of people feel like they “know” a famous person, but he clearly doesn’t know them. And the celebrity ends up with a lot of people acting all wacky to defend him.

Court documents allege that the government of North Korea dispatched thousands of skilled IT workers to live primarily in China and Russia with the goal of deceiving businesses from the U.S. and elsewhere into hiring them as freelance remote employees.

This is fucking tragic. Imagine leaving North Korea, and you’d know for sure that the government has been lying to you your whole life, but you still have to send your salary back.

I didn’t get through the whole article. But I wonder why these people didn’t just defect and keep their good jobs and money. Par for the course would be that their families were being threatened back in NK.

I don’t know about this particular lawyer, but I have heard that some lawyers will try novel court strategies, knowing that it’s a win-win situation. If the strategy works, then their clients benefit, and if the strategy doesn’t work, their clients get an appeal for having ineffective counsel where they normally wouldn’t have an appeal.