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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I started out in the computer industry working for a company that reverse engineered and built IBM compatible terminal systems, This was more than 40 years ago, when that was its own large and profitable sector of the computer hardware market. It was absolutely legal to build ‘plug compatible’ reverse engineered third party systems. DRM is almost entirely horseshit that has helped turn the entire tech industry into silo’d enshittified monopolies.

Capitalism and neoliberal globalization is great as long as your capitalist organizations are dominating the system. But that inevitably results in the emergence of other competitive capitalist organizations. Then it’s back to trade barriers, and when that fails, military conflict.

This is part of the ‘EV apocalypse’ FUD campaign.

AFAICT one super charging site in Chicago had more than one non-functional chargers. Why they were not functioning is not known. Quite a few Teslas queued up there in the cold and some of them ran their batteries down to zero. Each regurgitation of the this event has the same pictures of the same cars at the same place.

It is a fact that EV range decreases with cold, and that decrease can be significant. Drivers unaware of this, and who don’t monitor their battery levels, can indeed find themselves effectively ‘out of gas’.

We need much better urban charging infrastructure. Street level L2 charging should be ubiquitous, and that can be easily achieved using the existing street level power line infrastructure.

intelligent swarms of lethal drones are the near future battlefield. Also they will be deployed shortly afterwards by the police.

well the Japanese Liberal Party has exclusively ruled Japan since WWII, and it might as well be considered a one party authoritarian state with a facade of democratic legitimacy. But yes, not strictly speaking fascist.

So I assume the fascist knobs will initiate a law suit to block this.

It is the terminology required by the NHTSA regulations. Those regulations were obviously written before software updates were relevant to automobile components. The public documentation of defects are ‘recall notices’ by regulation.

actionable defects are ‘recalls’. How they are remedied is irrelevant.

Because tesla has to comply with the regulations just like every other manufacturer, and that includes notification of recall issues and remedies. The use of the term ‘recall’ is of course outdated, but that is irrelevant. How the manufacturer remedies the defect has always been up to the manufacturer, as long as they comply with the regulatory process, most of which is simply documentation, like issuing recall notices.

tesla has had numerous hardware recalls as well. The whole industry does, it’s absolutely normal. It is in fact the point of the recall system. Identify and repair defects before they cause massive harm.

Or perhaps tesla could deliver a functional ‘full self driving’ system that drives itself fully?

At some point in the near future social media will be chatbots all the way down.

The corporations ‘doing the right thing’ by subsidizing FOSS are under the same enshittification pressures as the rest of the global economic system, and as a consequence they will sooner or later not be doing the right thing at all.

So I’m not a big fan of edge, but the addition of their chatgpt search assist to edge has made me start using it instead of google’s horrible shit infested search. At least for tech stuff there is no comparison.

Obviously as much of the installed base can’t upgrade. This was done on purpose. As 10 goes eol, businesses and consumers will have to upgrade their hardware. Pushing new hardware has been msft strategy since forever.

Yeah a $1 entry fee is not a bot barrier, it just consolidates the bot business to players with deep pockets.

Robert Palmer flying DEC straight into the ground?

Ijbol at the picture of an office floor with actual cubicles. That’s a shitty office from the 0’s or earlier. Now the shitty office standard is a bunch of shitty tables with zero privacy and everyone smushed together, for ‘teamwork’.

The logic is there is no other way to increase profits. Netflix has maxed out its subscriber base. They can only ‘grow’ by raising the rent, selling ads, and reducing production costs. They are doing all three. Netflix is not alone. The Great Enshittification is global.

Even after she gets fired she will always be the x CEO of Twitter.

Talked to a former coworker who goes into the office now a couple of times a week to sit in a shitty open office workspace to go on teams to ‘interact’ with his colleagues. It’s just fucking stupid. Also the company sells remote work enablement tools.

As 2023 FSD frequently attempts potentially lethal actions, 2015 FSD must have been spectacularly awful. The headline neglects the fact this was 8 years ago.

We are trained to this. For decades we both consume ‘brands’ and are ourselves ‘branded’.

The successful autonomous vehicle deployments all use LiDAR and hd maps and cameras. Tesla is way behind at this point.

Class solidarity is a big thing for the bourgeoisie, unfortunately it is nonexistent for the proletariat.

There were already tons of ebikes on the streets when I was there in 2016. It was a bit of a problem as a pedestrian as they are super quiet and the practice is to drive those things pretty much without regard for any concept of pedestrian right of way. You learned to be ultra careful crossing any street.

This is a person who’s mission, every day, is how to make the world shittier for everyone. He asks himself, over his breakfast of Cap’n Crunch and a juice box, ‘how can I fuck things up today?’

Eventually this will settle out to three streaming platforms, call them ‘ABC, CBS, NBC’', with shitty ad-filled shitcoms, fake reality dramadies, and tru-crime idiocy, all generated by ai. Your screen will provide the necessary data back to the ai models to keep your gaze fixated and your credit maxed out. You will be consumed. You are the commodity.

In other news Taylor Swift will sell her 2023 tour as data for the TS2023 Virtual Experience, which will play globally for all eternity everywhere.

Ok so I did a small bit of research and found optimistic estimates from groups promoting this of $800kg. You can’t just throw shit at earth, you have to put it down safely. In reality what makes sense is manufacturing stuff that you then don’t have to bring up to the moon, or to mars, or anywhere else off of earth. You build it on the moon instead.

I think the shipping costs between earth and moon are ridiculous. Moon manufacturing only makes sense for supplying moon bases and transportation to other planets.

A defect is a defect. How it gets repaired does not make it not a defect. The point is that tesla’s have a lot of defects. Sure OTA fixes are great.