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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Mar 22, 2024


The job of CEO seems the far easier to replace with AI. A fairly basic algorithm with weighted goals and parameters (chosen by the board) + LLM + character avatar would probably perform better than most CEOs. Leave out the LLM if you want it to spout nonsense like this Amazon Cloud CEO.

Biochar (created in a retort) is how you sustainably sequester carbon for the long-term using trees (and similar biomass).

Nope, been thinking about what it would take to make one though.

So only the lucky unfit sperm destined to produce one who wears a red cap will be able to successfully fertilize the egg?

It’s time to return to human curated directories.

So are you saying that they suffered from a filesystem bug that caused deletion failure? I’d imagine they use standard filesystems on their backend, I haven’t heard about any bugs like this.

If you ask me, what’s more likely, that a company known for shitty behavior lies about deleting files so they can continue to use that information to profit, – OR – that they are experiencing a filesystem bug on their backend, I’ll choose the former.

But clearly the data is not overwritten and this was intentional. How do I know? Because that would amount to a massive amount of data, if it was de to a bug in Apple software or underlying filesystems, it would be detected in monitoring systems “Hey, we’re using 10x the data we should be, maybe we should look into it”.

The mistake was in the flag code that was supposed to fool us.

Nothing sinister, we just don’t delete what we say we delete. Instead we keep it in your profile to feed the algorithms and set the “deleted” flag to make you think it’s gone.

racist tendency in the liberal environmentalist movement to blame ecological harm on the number of human bodies that exist

Concern about population is not racist. Can a racist use population to make racist claims? Sure, they do that with lots of things.

I don’t get why so many otherwise smart people have the thought terminating position that population is of no concern and any talk of it is racist.

What happened with human population and the green revolution, particularly the haber-bosch process has a name when it happens in nature, it’s called “eutrophication”.

Technically CD quality digital is superior, but the recording and mixing can have a lot to do with it. For example, it could be that an decades old Dark Side Of The Moon on vinyl (played on proper equipment) could sound better than a modern remastered CD with maximized loudness (See the “loudness wars”).