smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 07, 2023


I guess I don’t buy enough for that to be an issue 🤷‍♀️

What’s good about Amazon anyway? It’s better to get stuff directly from a sellers site, even better if they’re indie. There’s not much value to prime shipping anymore, most sellers are pretty good about it now ironically because of Amazon. Using services like Amazon just creates more pollution, wage depression and small business closures. Use services like Amazon less, favor indie and small and fair wage businesses

It’s not just the big tech, some startups are the same because they’re vying for VC cash and that’s the best way to do it

There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing quality assurance work, but I think the workers are being fooled into thinking it’s less valuable work than their old job. In fact, based on QA in other industries, I’d say these workers should be getting paid more. This is why unions are important, otherwise people just get fooled or bullied into accepting bad deals

Me, personally? I have no horse in this race. I was just saying it’s inaccurate to imply that only under 25s are not conservative

You can train models of all kinds without disclosing anything personal about a user. Also see differential privacy

toaww@lemmy.worldHe’s so unruly

He just moved on to shrooms 😭 (pic related)

I hate that the internet is reliant on tech giant infrastructure. I think part of the problem is that data centers and energy grids are not decentralized or capable of being sustained in an open source manner (unless a benevolent entity funds such a thing)

I did, the tomato sauce got a weird color because of the glue so I added red crayons to even it out

To whom? Who do you trust enough? What if those funds end up going towards gay conversion therapy or something like that?

Unless there’s a government driven system in place which ensures reasonable utilization of resources, “giving it away” may cause more damage. Exception is if there’s a charity you super trust, but most of that funding usually pays execs salaries.

Note that so much charity was done for pro choice efforts, but now some women don’t have the right to abortion in the U.S. because some people bought the Supreme Court. So no, don’t “give it away” unless either know where it ends up, or are okay with whatever the consequences may be.

The only reasonable use of money in the current system is lobbying or political action committees.

I couldn’t read the whole thing because I lost interest around the part where he starts describing Grays and their shirts—it’s all very dull because there is a complete lack of understanding on how different cultures established and evolved mechanisms for self-expression and self-determination. People wanted such mechanisms, which is why democracies formed in the first place, and why medieval societies became a relic of the past.

Even medieval kings needed ideals of honor, chivalry etc. to motivate others to knighthood. I think maybe this person is too convinced of his capacity to charm and believes that he’s capable of starting and leading a cult (which is what he’s describing, essentially). But if he was charming someone who’s never heard of him before would be inclined to find some kind of redeeming quality in his ideas instead of being repulsed by his lack of insight and knowledge. I mean, charming people (cult leaders, for example) have a quality where they just make you stupid by their presence. This person lacks the grace, charisma and any requisite presence for such an effect.

Also, what the fuck he is on about w.r.t MSFT? Look at Coinbase and MSFT, a dumb child can tell you which company is more innovative and valuable. This isn’t even a joke, it’s just sad that people are enabling his narcissism and delusions by letting him believe he’s smart or has good ideas. He’s definitely someone’s useful idiot.

What type of dog is this?

The mines have cute little canaries in them so they’ll get to play with little pets

Hype cycles are nothing new! Way back in the 1800s they used to have world tech fairs as well which were full of inventions that you’d think were full of shit or utterly dystopian. But adoption mostly depends on the masses, and if they’re not going to jive with something, then it doesn’t matter how many nerds are into it. XR/AR is a good example for now, but maybe that’ll change as the form factor of the tech improves.

I think the main thing that comes out of the AI hype might be digital assistants which know you well enough to assist you like a real assistant, or can do easy but timesink tasks. ChatGPT-based assistants, Cortana, Siri, Alexa are not flexible enough to replace to an actual executive assistant, for example. Any current digital assistant requires a lot of hand holding.

For people who can’t shell out an executive assistant salary, but need one (almost everyone who works), this will be awesome. For people who can afford an executive assistant, their life is complex enough that they’ll assign the EA to something else.

What’s the test here? Prove you’re an embedded systems nerd?

That $48K can get you a real plane though, or boat. But maybe someone paying that for ships in Star Citizen has both already 😅