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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


doesn’t need internsate criminal conduct, for example when a Mississippi sheriff killed his mistress after she got pregnant and the rest of the local police didn’t want to interfere the FBI showed up and arrested said sheriff

FBI, the FBI polices police, but the government made Police basically immune to most prosecution

to be fair, they “extra training” seems to be learning Hitler quotes and killology(the idea that police killing people is a good thing)

no, but you have shown you need to have a lack of brains to be a Libertarian

like I said, you can not comprehend the most fundamental difference between an idea/concept and a literal rock

You do realize you are the one implying the Nazi soldiers aren’t evil, because the individual soldiers were threatened into serving

that only works if you have some hard-line stance against seeing the world as anything but purely individualistic, in fact no I propose the opposite, even those who did not themselves commit the gassings at Auschwitz were guilty of these killings, because, turns out after years and years of research, No man is an island unto himself.

The way a group of individuals pursuing their goals interact with each other is a law of nature just as much as radiation

but it isn’t, to assume as such is to assert your ignorance on such a profound scale, not just in the legal sense but also in the Historical and Societal. How we organize, and interact as a society is completely and totally alien to those who lived but three generations before us, to claim it is a natural constant on the level of radioactive decay or exothermic reactions is beyond delusional.

Fundamentally, you can’t comprehend why a corporation is a moral entity because you don’t understand the difference between a concept and a rock.

Omg, you are so hung up on fire being natural phenomena

ya, one would think that in terms of morality, one being entirely a construct of humans, and the other being a natural phenomenon, there is a bit of a difference to be had

Fine, replace fire with nuclear rods. They are man made, they are dangerous.

again, radiation is a natural force, the nuclear rod doesn’t do anything by its self. now one CAN talk about the uses of said nuclear rod, and THAT has moral implications, you know like how a bomb is amoral, but the army using it is very much morally culpable (unless of course you think the German army of 1933-1945 isn’t evil), because both armies and corporations are the same thing, a human construct.

And who said the individuals in a corporation should enjoy some sort of immunity for following orders (or even giving them)?

so the Nazis weren’t the problem, just the individuals, ok.

If employees break the law, prosecute them. Stop injecting nonsense into the conversation.

if you don’t dump this toxic sludge in the middle of this town, your children will starve (yes, this is a thing that really happened), material circumstances exist, and any corporation not leveraging these material circumstances is lying or bankrupt (hence corporations are evil)

Ahe logic of corporations being some non-moral entities, like fire, is the same logic that the Nazis used at the Nuremberg trials when they uttered the famous line of just following orders. The idea being that they were not responsible for the shit they did, as it was just a function of how the Nazis worked.

And yes, it is perfectly apt to call out flaws in your argument by using other, well known examples of the same theory being applied.

As for your comparison, I have pointed out that it’s shit because corporations aren’t some inherent force of nature and are entirely dictated both by society though the legislative process, and by the people committing the actions.

Fire exists outside human preview, no human “created” fire, fire has always been a thing because it’s a natural force, meanwhile, Corporations didn’t exist until English and Dutch traders pooled money and resources in the 1600s

there is a lot of waffling about there, all for you to admit that you think “i was just following orders” was a valid excuse for the holocaust.

and then the idiotic “Communism is like a fire place”, you may think your comparisons sagely and wise, but they only serve to show how little you actually know, or have thought about any of this, for example, like I said before, do not equate capitalism with the advances of modernity, the standard of living started to improve a long time before capitalism was a thing, ironically capitalism strives to reduce the standard of living.

PS: it’s very easy to legislate corporations, that’s why they hate the EU so much.

What are you even talking about?

ok, really, REALLY simply put:

Fire, is generally an exothermic reaction, straight up chemistry/physics forces, there is nothing you can do that will change these functions.

a Corporation is NOT based on any natural laws, a Corporation does not exist outside the cognitive, it is not a real thing, it is an idea, there is no corporate matter in the universe.

in other words, Corporations, unlike fire, can be whatever we want them to be.

because corporations can be anything, anything bad they do is an Inherent moral question, and unironically you defend corporations with the idea of “just following orders”

I would wager to argue that one being, entirely a concept only existing in human thinking. The other being an exothermic reaction following the laws of nature is quite a distinction here.

unless you are going to concede that we could just trust bust fire, can i sue fire for the damages on my house? what exactly is the fiscal return on the primary product of fire?

as for:

Also, just comparing agrarian societies to modern economic systems is childish. I am much better of living under “tyrannical capitalists” today than in any of those societies.

You confuse the achievements of modernism with capitalism, it wasn’t capitalism the stopped famines in most of the world, it was a crazed Jewish-German nationalist with the backing of a local monarch

also, most of the Greek democracies had all not enslaved male citizens enfranchised, with the woman’s vote in most the world being a consequence of socialist campaigning

you do realize that corporations aren’t some law of nature? corporations are a social construct in the most literal meaning of the phrase.

secondly, you must think the HRE must have been some free paradise by your understanding, also I don’t know of any fascist system that that wasn’t capitalist, but I do know plenty of pre-capitalist democratic societies

it’s really not tho, i’m sorry but all Georgism/ and value tax is/was a form of pre-marxist capital taxation.

or do you think that Property tax is stopping BlackRock as we speak?

nah, fire is just the propagation of exothermic reactions.

Corporations require intent, they are designed to literally strip any moral consideration from their actions.

PS: about that breadlines and authoritarianism, the US has had plenty of breadlines, and still does to this day, also authoritarians love corporations, after all corporations are inherently authoritarian.

nah, corporations are literally evil, as in no morals evil

true, at least she wouldn’t be in jail for the crime of not being able to work with 93

decreasing certain plant outputs.

let’s be honest, this is the real threat, oil/coal/natgas based power production would take a hit midday, because at the end of the day, the shareholder is simply more equal than you are, and he is owed the income

would take TV remote over touch display any day, those things are horrible in so many ways, lack of tactile feedback and having to confirm it registered the input is literally a lethal hazard because it’s another reason people aren’t looking on the road while driving

literally, no finding or law supports the claim you have made, but there are several cases that have been ruled contrary to your statement. now sure, these didn’t pertain directly to AI, but they did pertain to the argument of an artist “being inspired by existing art”

Yes, thanks for pointing out that you know nothing about “AI”, and by “AI” I assume you mean the iterative learning models.

but we have been complaining about exactly that, even before this whole thing started, yet the “paying people will make everything more expensive” crowd tends to be really quiet when these companies are bragging about record profits fiscal quarter after fiscal quarter as everything is getting more expensive at a record pace!

10 hours? before Unions, it was 16 hours! and people would sleep on literal ropes! look up the origin of hangover

just have more than one set of tracks and you can have a regional and express service train!

is there any actual proof of trans people preying on children outside Republican echo chambers? no. Yet, you attack them based on the accusations of a group that regularly abuses children.

seems to me like your opposition to LGBT is entirely a cover to protect the people who are and have been a demonstrative a threat to children. rather than respect the modern day NAMBLA Accusation, that just like this latest anti LGBT trend comes from the Republicans, Conservatives and staunch Christians that attack children.

the owner doesn’t support harming kids? so, abolish all Judaeo-Christian influences in our society? because that is a much greater threat to children than the trans and gays.

one would argue that VW actually building a network made them more competent than most of the others…

you could elect people who will expand public transport… we did it, went from 4 buses a day to an hourly schedule, middle Mosel region Germany, come by our wine is better =P

The crusades weren’t that bad, nor large in scale… Now let me introduce you to the 30 years war, this made WW1 and WW2 seem like a stroll in the park, it killed as many Germans as the Black plague, yes 1/3 of all Germans were killed over the course of said war.

Best part? the war was about should you be Catholic or Lutheran, the conclusion: “we don’t care anymore be whatever your local lord is”