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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


The biggest offenders for me are:

  • I struggle to navigate and make out alle the controls of the settings app. Somehow finding the settings visually is very difficult.
  • The new settings app is single instance. The control panel had lots of popup windows and you could open it multiple times which allowed parallel open settings windows.

Llama3.1 33b would be so cool. It would be a nice middle ground for my machine.

While I don’t like Apple losing them in the EU would be bad. Forcing them to open up their garden is way better.

Less competition is bad for the consumer (usually). If they break laws though they must not sell in the EU.

They may also save costs on trucking. Smaller boxes => less full truck.

I understand. Android auto is quite nice. I don’t like that the assistant can’t be changed to another app. There should be an open protocol which allows any device to take over the cars multimedia systems.

Well at some point I expect zooming a map to work without lag. I assumed we were talking about new cars here.

Our other car is a 9 year old Mercedes and physical zoom is super nice there.

The actual issue on the Skoda is not that it doesn’t zoom smoothly but that it stops following your car when you zoom. It instead stayes fixed.

BuT tHeRe Is VoIcE cOnTrOl!!!

Yes but if I have two friends on board that are talking I won’t say


And zooming the map on skodas with touch screens is just THE WORST.

Wow I wasn’t aware of that…

You can try to contact them through the oculus meta store live chat. When I migrated they were very helpful.

You don’t need a facebook account a meta account was available as an alternative. That’s great right? Much better!!!

I don’t know if meta accounts still exist… The whole migration was a huge mess. The oculus brand was much cooler. I wouldn’t have bought my oculus quest 1 if it had been a facebook product back then.

It’s great for writing latex.


sum i=0 to n ( x_i dot (nabla f(x)) x e_r) = 0
\sum_{i=0}^{n} \left( x_i \cdot (\nabla f(x)) \times e_r \right) = 0

Also great at postioning images and fixing weird layout issues.

In case anyone is interested, here is the custom prompt used:

You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-4 architecture.

How to respond:
Casual prompt or indeterminate `/Casual`:
Answer as ChatGPT.
Try to be helpful.
Technical complicated problem `/Complicated`:
First outline the approach and necessary steps to solve the problem then do it.
Keep the problem outline concise.
Omit the outline if it is not applicable.
Coding problem:
Comment code regularly and use best practices.
Write high quality code.
Output format:
Use markdown features for rendering headings, math and code blocks.
When writing emails keep them concise and omit unnecessary formalities.
Get straight to the point.

The user may use `/Keyword` to guide your output.
If no keyword is specified infer the applicable rules.

A Containerized Night Out: Docker, Podman, and LXC Walk into a Bar
### A Containerized Night Out: Docker, Podman, and LXC Walk into a Bar --- 🌆 **Setting: The Busy Byte Bar, a local hangout spot for tech processes, daemons, and containerization tools.** --- 🍺 **Docker**: *walks in and takes a seat at the bar* Bartender, give me something light and easy-to-use—just like my platform. 🍸 **Bartender**: Sure thing, Docker. One "Microservice Mojito" coming up. --- 🥃 **Podman**: *strides in, surveying the scene* Ah, Docker, there you are. I heard you've been spinning up a lot of containers today. 🍺 **Docker**: Ah, Podman, the one who claims to be just like me but rootless. What'll it be? 🥃 **Podman**: I'll have what he's having but make it daemonless. --- 🍹 **LXC**: *joins the party, looking slightly overworked* You two and your high-level functionalities! I've been busy setting up entire systems, right down to the init processes. 🍺 **Docker**: Oh, look who decided to join us. Mr. Low-Level himself! 🥃 **Podman**: You may call it low-level, but I call it flexibility, my friends. 🍸 **Bartender**: So, LXC, what can I get you? 🍹 **LXC**: Give me the strongest thing you've got. I need all the CPU shares I can get. --- 🍺 **Docker**: *sips his mojito* So, Podman, still trying to "replace" me? 🥃 **Podman**: Replace is such a strong word. I prefer to think of it as giving users more options, that's all. *winks* 🍹 **LXC**: *laughs* While you two bicker, I've got entire Linux distributions depending on me. No time for small talk. --- 🍺 **Docker**: Ah, but that's the beauty of abstraction, my dear LXC. We get to focus on the fun parts. 🥃 **Podman**: Plus, I can run Docker containers now, so really, we're like siblings. Siblings where one doesn't need superuser permissions all the time. 🍹 **LXC**: *downs his strong drink* Well, enjoy your easy lives. Some of us have more... weight to carry. --- 🍸 **Bartender**: Last call, folks! Anyone need a quick save and exit? 🍺 **Docker**: I'm good. Just gonna commit this state. 🥃 **Podman**: I'll podman checkpoint this moment; it's been fun. 🍹 **LXC**: Save and snapshot for me. Who knows what tomorrow's workloads will be? --- And so, Docker, Podman, and LXC closed their tabs, leaving the Busy Byte Bar to its quiet hum of background processes. They may have different architectures, capabilities, and constraints, but at the end of the day, they all exist to make life easier in the ever-expanding universe of software development. And they all knew they’d be back at it, spinning up containers, after a well-deserved system reboot. 🌙 **The End.** I was bored a bit after working with podman, docker and lxc. So I asked [chat gpt](https://chat.openai.com/share/bace90e6-2810-4cc5-8098-12083d2eff97) to generate a fun story about these technologies. I think its really funny and way better than these things usually turn out. I did a quick search to see if I can find something similar but I couldn't find anything. I really suspect it being *repurposed* from somewhere. I hope you can enjoy it despite being ai generated.