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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I agree it’s difficult to get through, I think it’s worth reading though. Where would you have put the paragraph breaks?

How is this soul crushing? Looks similar to an apartment my friends rent in downtown Toronto but larger. Theirs is about 500 sqft with a similar looking deck. It’s clean and looks well kept. You know what’s soul crushing? Having to live in poorly managed gov’t subsidized housing communities that are infested with bed bugs, ceilings dripping water everytime it rains, breathing in black mould, and nothing is being done about it even after media coverage.

I miss a lot of my favourite smaller subreddits too. There’s way more now popping up then there was a few weeks ago so it is getting better. It’ll take time for communities to grow, we can’t expect it to be instantly like our fave subreddits were right off the bat. We have to remember that our niche subreddits started small as well at one point. Also consider doing some posting in those slow communities yourself to get the ball rolling. I’ve noticed it takes someone else commenting and providing content before other people feel brave enough to join in too. Kind of like no one wanting to be the first or only person on the dance floor. Once a couple people get in there and begin dancing others join too.