• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Hey, if they choose to wrap their comments in completely inane reasoning they should be allowed to.

My hopes are high but I’m trying to keep my expectations low. Just one guy and some contributors is a much different context than a bunch of venture capital. But I agree.

Floorp didn’t impress me either, but I’m not sure yet that I can 100% replace my awesome Arc workflow. The “Air Traffic Control” with profile / space combinations is spectacular. But I’ll find a way to make it work, because I really prefer FOSS when possible.

Zen Browser - A very nice, Firefox-based, clean UI browser
This has gotten some attention, especially about a week ago, but I really hope more people will continue to try it and, if interested, support it. It is Firefox, but heavily modified to please a different audience that prefers a slightly different UI than Firefox. It has some of the appeal of Arc, Vivaldi, and the Sidebery extension. In my view, it is very promising, and all competition in this space is good. [Here it is on Github](https://github.com/zen-browser/desktop), also.

It’s too bad androidauthority doesn’t think the “reject all” cookies rule applies to them.

It isn’t like I’m not willing to pay. My NAS setup wasn’t exactly cheap. But the user experience is just incredible. I had Netflix for ten years, and several others for some time. The experience is just better. Watching whatever I want synchronized with my wife across devices of any type is superb. Who else offers that?

I loved how blasé he mentioned it and moved right along. It is a pretty big announcement and I’m glad they are finally doing it. It will benefit many even if only indirectly.

But did it have that sweet, sweet local bus goodness?

Also if it is any consolation, 486DX266 was way after I got my first computer.

Since iOS 17, I have had no problems with text input. It feels better than anything that preceded it which I used on Apple or other platforms. That is true for swiping or typing and in either of the two languages I use. I’m actually blown away by how good it is sometime, correcting words based on the clause around it.

I also have an S10 Lite that I keep up to date. The native input there is okay, but not nearly as accurate.

I’m not completely convinced. It is possible but sounds a bit high to me. It is based on a survey of less than 3k parents, and although I found the BBC article, it doesn’t seem to link to the actual source. It is therefore difficult to take this too seriously without seeing exactly who was interviewed and how the questions were worded.

NT? You mean Vista maybe? NT was a massive product line that was pretty popular, and the kernel touches most releases to this day.

It runs in browsers. It… isn’t poop? I don’t know. I’m all out of ideas.

I guess I’m just lucky, but I’ve gotten nothing but thoughtful support on Arch forums and Stackoverflow. If you read the article How do I ask a good question?, it works very well. It seems harsh but coming with poorly thought out questions without debugging details makes it impossible to help.

AOSP is FOSS, but most implementations in use are not. Not meaning to correct you, because what you said is true, strictly speaking, but I think it is worth noting.

Even if X is just a placeholder for anything.

Arc works perfectly for my workflow. Using Firefox since Netscape days, but arc is really good. Don’t love that it is chromium and not open, but the ux is incredible. And air traffic control is such a nice feature.

Similar story. Air Force 6 years, barely a degree worth noting, and tech jobs since. And damn good times and friendships were had. Wouldn’t trade it for the world. But… I would take it back if I had killed people. Never wanted to do that. Thankfully there is more to the mission than killing innocents on behalf of oil magnates.

I wish they wouldn’t. Then we’d have the better algos. But they’ll no doubt find far better ones than we have.

There is an entire field of study dedicated to this problem space in the general case, game theory. Veritasium has a great video on why the tit for tat algorithm alone is insufficient without some built in lenience.

How awesome / terrifying is it that this is a question which no longer has a clear answer?

The overlap between people that write C and people that write JavaScript is negligible.

Hashicorp recently commandeered its community built products from thousands of contributors by changing open source projects to an ambiguous if not hostile BSL. Opentofu for any current terraform users out there.

They should just rename the Menu key to the “Flavor of the Week” key. Then they can just rotate which pie in the sky, fetch feature is mapped to it during its period of non-use.

They are able to store anything. I can download Android app’s on my iPhone. Installing and running is a different question though. And of course a device is limited in what it can run by architecture and operating system. Whether they should be limited by manufacturer or carrier policy is another question though.

Using AI to notify a poster that a post is likely to run afoul of Reddit or community guidelines before posting actually seems like an interesting albeit fraught idea.

If he weren’t so Speztic about everything, I would not feel so confident it was a nefarious plan to hurt people. But he is evil and impulsive, so… fuck Spez.

We kill humans constantly too, and we probably obliterated the rest of the hominins also. I’m just saying we have a chequered track record.

Another great example where a setting given to the user would completely resolve the issue.

I just checked the android app on an older device, so I’m not sure how up to date it is, but the feature doesn’t seem present there. So I can only verify it is present on the iOS official app.

But it has been there for many months now. And it usually appears as just an unexpected chapter skip.

I love your punishment. Evil in a slightly benevolent way.

Dear YouTube; About that Chapter Skipping Feature
Please, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, allow us to disable this chapter skipping feature (the one where tapping left or right to bring up the scrubber, then double tapping the other direction because 100% of people want to skip that direction some unit time - 10 seconds by default). This ends up feeling random and is just vexing. It is the worst feature added to any software, maybe ever in the history of computing. How many hours are wasted trying to figure out where one was in this video? How much power and network bandwidth is consumed fighting this feature that I’ve not seen a single comment online of anybody benefitting from ever. This feature is adding to human suffering by wasting energy and damaging people psychologically. Go please, look online, and consider castigating the creator of this feature in the public square. And then take a good hard look at yourself for not stopping this evil from ever being added in the first place. Yours aye, Sane People