• 3 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Mar 06, 2024


It’s crazy though that the lab leak theory is looking pretty solid so we now have a permanent disease on the planet that humans created.

Weren’t you all just hating on Republicans for not voting for that bill.

How about an all bills must be fucking separate bill?

Just stop using microsoft. Why would you sign into the cloud to use your local computer. Actually own your hardware with Linux or BSD. Do I own it or do they?

But not with nearly every vehicle being one of them and operated by people with CDLs that understand a lot of the safety features of the road aren’t going to work for them.

Yeah. Giving big corporations control over what other people say or think and allowing them the power to warp people’s perception of consensus is guaranteed to put them at odds with their user base. And it’s always a matter of time before that ends up affecting your particular user group. For what it’s worth I have no interest in controlling what people say or think.

I don’t know if that fully answered your question. Basically I think the line between good and bad is whether or not you are dealing with a large corporation. Federation is just one way of ensuring that. Then other is just not using corporate social media in general and you end up on the right side of the line in either case.

In some ways the web itself is decentralized. Not decentralized is when the users of the internet become concentrated on the 20 biggest sites. That’s what gives you reddit. Being an element of a large decentralized whole without contributing to concentration is a kind of decentralized. My interest is to make the web itself more decentralized (less concentrated) and increase the diversity of algorithms and distinct communities people see the world through and interact with.

Either way it’s something I made and people can check it out. That’s what I love about the web as a layer of decentralization. Not many other kinds of decentralization let you do that.

You guys should check out the reddit clone I’ve been working on
It's sort of a different concept. Posts and users also have position in addition to age and score. The sorting algorithm gives you complete control over how much to weight each one. It's like if new and hot existed on a continuous spectrum. It's sort of like what Aaron Swartz initially wanted to do with Reddit where what you like would be able to inform what you might like in the future. But in this case you get complete control over how much that matters. I'm adding bits and knobs here and there every day. Yesterday I added the ability to have posts that are hidden from the front page. It's probably not a feature people will use every day but it's there if someone wants it and it's things like that I'm working on every day. In a little bit I'm going to add a "post whenever" feature in case someone wants to post a ton of content and have it actually post over time. I'd say all and all the project has been a success for what I wanted to do with it and I'm happy with what I've built. The other side of it is trying to build community on the site. For example we do a movie night once a week on Saturdays. Oh. Another thing that is different to most reddit clones is that every community exists. Like you don't have to create a community to post to it. Just post to it. Different capitalization maps to the same community. You guys should check it out. It would be super awesome if anynone wants to help fill in the more obscure topics. https://matrix.gvid.tv