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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 24, 2023


Wpuld you rather purchase an 80 kWh battery, alrhough you need most of the time only 20 kWh or purchase only 20 kWh and rent/swap some batteries when needed?
I’m no talking about renting all battery capacity the whole year, just the extra capacity for the 2-4 weeks in the year when long-distance rides are in the mix.

It wouldn’t be necessary very often unless you’d want to take advantage of swapping instead of reloading.

I’m still dreaming of seeing EVs with flexible battery space, which users can fill according to their needs.
Like a car comes with space for 10x 10 kWh slots.
If 20 kWh serve your usual needs, the other spaces remain empty.
And if you plan longer trips and don’t want to recharge each 100 miles, you put in additional batteries. Those batteries don’t need to be owned, but can be rented.
Ideally there are lots of battery rental stations, where you can get charged batteries and instead of recharging the batteries in the EV, the rent’n’swap stations recharge them.
During (EV) wise low use times, these stations can provide a buffer to the energy grid.
…one can dream…

I was active on reddit for quite a while and by contributing and visiting the site making reddit money.
I have no desire to feed their greed and what they pulled with their API pricing was nothing but greed and shortsightedness.
I’m gone from reddit for good.

That’s another viewing angle coming to the same result :)
But even before Fcbook purchased Whatsapp, it’d have been the worse choice than Signal.
Nowadays Whatsapp is a very bad choice in a lot of ways except for network effect, which is the only real strength of it.
Speaking of network effect: back when Signal was TextSecure, I could message a total of 2 (two!) contacts with it and the UX was far from being awesome.
Signal has come a long way. The UX is great and I can message a lot of my contacts on Signal now.

Security rarely comes in absolutes. Whatsapp doesn’t appear to be open source. That alone makes it security wise a worse choice than Signal.