I’ve been happy with my setup for two years, I’ve got 15 devices, ikea light bulbs, ikea switches and motion sensors, it all works perfectly until last month or two.

Motion sensors start to change the status to “clear” which triggers the lights off while I’m still moving in the kitchen and bathroom.

Quite often now lags happen between motion sensor switching on the lights or the switch turning lights on or off - it always used to be instant.

My setup is not the newest as I’ve got RaspberryPi with CC2531 but I’ve been running old software all that time so that’s not the case, I’ve only updated everyone now hoping it will fix my issues but that didn’t help…

I know probably you will say I need to check logs but did anyone experience this?

I don’t use my setup for anything else like Plex Server or FTP etc…

That’s some examples errors I found when I was using ikea switch to turn the lights on.

Is it best to have HA on Windows instead using different dongle like SkyConnect?

Update: Thanks to @sidewalker@thesidewalkends.io for pointing me in the right direction. Somehow I never considered interference to be an issue. Recently I bought a Google Wi-Fi mesh system (pack of three) and I didn’t realise it could have caused interference with zigbee… I changed the channel from the default 11 to 25 and the whole setup is working perfectly again! I also moved the RPi closer to most of the smart devices and I’ve put the USB coordinator on an extension cable but I’m 99% sure the channel 11 was the main issue.


In my experience, almost all stability problems I’ve had with Home Assistant are either due to the devices (not HA or the hardware I’m running it on, individual lights and switches, etc) or dead batteries in same.

What protocols are you using for your devices? Zigbee, Zwave, Wifi, something else?


It’s not batteries as I swapped them all.

I don’t think it’s the devices I think it affects all of them, unless ikea released some buggy firmware.

It’s all Zigbee devices.

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Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io

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