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Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Re-print the area you messed up, glue, and sand again?

Interesting material considering that one issue with graphene and carbon nanotubes etc tends to be that small defects in the crystal lattice majorly affect its mechanical properties. And it is very difficult to manufacture things with no defects. This being an amorphous material could mean that it is much more robust to local defects. Though I only skimmed the article.

Sure yes I agree that it is shady and weird that they just don’t say what data is being sent. Not really sure why they don’t.

It’s not that the data being sent is like too much or too in detail (though maybe WiFi ssid is unnecessary), it’s just that the company is weirdly not being upfront about this.

Yeah after reading about this I feel like this is nothing. Is it weird that the logs include stuff like sensor data of your printer? Or that they send the model? Isn’t that the entire point of the help function and logging.

The open-source copyright violations are an issue though, should those be factual.

I doubt that’s how the password is used for. More like they copy all contents of the phone and ask the password to go through encryption. The data is already there, accounts don’t matter.

This is also the reason why it’s no good to have a dead man’s switch or the like, as in a certain password just wipes everything. You’d just get arrested for destroying evidence and they continue from a copy.

Good breakdown on this in arstechnica:


In a statement emailed to Ars Technica, Cox Media Group said that its advertising tools include “third-party vendor products powered by data sets sourced from users by various social media and other applications then packaged and resold to data servicers.” The statement continues:

Advertising data based on voice and other data is collected by these platforms and devices under the terms and conditions provided by those apps and accepted by their users, and can then be sold to third-party companies and converted into anonymized information for advertisers. This anonymized data then is resold by numerous advertising companies.

The company added that it does not “listen to any conversations or have access to anything beyond a third-party aggregated, anonymized and fully encrypted data set that can be used for ad placement” and “regret[s] any confusion.”

Big corporations doing shady shit fucking over (or buying out) small companies trying to fix the shady shit to make the lives of the customers of said big business a bit easier.

Not sure what to say. Seems like the standard nowadays.

Sure, but you could have a setting which allows sexualised content to be accessed or showed. Or just a popup when entering the stream like it already does with mature streams or whatever they’re called. You can have the streams only visible to people logged in, have people put their age on the account when making it (not sure if already a thing) and not show this stuff to people under 18. Yes you can just say you’re 18 but in that case the kids do it deliberately and won’t just stumble upon it. Have the parents do an underage account for them. Lots of options, and yes, the parents do have responsibility as well.

Oh no, almost visible tits!? Nono we can’t have that, it’ll morally bankrupt our audience.

Edit: apparently they’re more lenient as long as it is properly tagged. Nice.

Lmao what the fuck Plex.

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to have this thing be opt out instead of opt in? Well actually, I’m sure they realised that nobody would opt in because nobody fucking wants this garbage. So the only option is to make it opt out, right guys?

I mean, I get why people would not like this but it is a value proposition. They think a random OpenAI employee is much more valuable than a some Microsoft employees. Hence, they’d rather boot specific Microsoft employees and hire OpenAI people instead.

Wanna bet it has something to do with shoving more ads into our eyeballs? No, no, let me rephrase that: wanna bet it has everything to do with shoving more ads into our eyeballs?

Sure, not denying it. But the point was that you can not connect the TV into the Internet and still use netflix etc. You stream the content through chromecast when you need to.

Chromecast? You connect it when needed.

Yup got the same thing. Annoying as hell. The loading bar always goes to like quarter of the way and stays there for a couple of seconds and the continues. After that it’s fine, but it is always the first page you load after closing Firefox.

Do note that there are two things to consider: do you want 3D printing to be a hobby, or a 3D printer?

The former points you toward things like Prusa, who has an excellent track record on reliability and being a work horse. They give support if need be and just high quality.

The latter means things like Ender 3 etc. They have perhaps a larger user base and lots of places to find info on what upgrades to do, and how to get most out of the machine. But they might not perform as worry free as the other kind. It is not that they won’t give you a beautiful print, it is more that they are more prone to problems and can be lacking in certain aspects, hence, problems / necessary upgrades are most likely expected at some point.

The former is roughly speaking 2-3x as expensive as the latter kind, assuming similar print space.